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Better API for Ruby’s stdlib Logger


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'tidy_logger'


Ruby's stdlib Logger is great. It gives you so many features that you don't want to reinvent.

require 'logger'

logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)
logger.info 'hello world!'      # => "I, [2013-03-21T19:46:31.703381 #27585]  INFO -- : hello world!\n"

But, don't you think the default format is ugly? I do!

Here comes TidyLogger. It is a subclass of and 100% compatible with the stdlib Logger. You can use it and Logger interchangeably.

require 'tidy_logger'

logger = TidyLogger.new(STDOUT)
logger.info 'hello world!'      # => "I, [2013-03-21T19:46:31.703381 #27585]  INFO -- : hello world!\n"

The only method that's added to Logger is config - when you call it, all the shapeshifting happens.

Supported options are plain, time, title, time_and_level (chosen when no argument is given), ltsv (Labeled Tab-Separated Values) and lambdas.

logger = TidyLogger.new(STDOUT)

logger.info 'hello'             # => "[2013-03-21T21:19:54]  INFO : hello"

logger.info 'hello'             # => "hello"

logger.info 'hello'             # => "[2013-03-21T21:19:10] hello"

logger.config(title: 'note')
logger.info 'hello'             # => "[note] hello"

logger.info fizz: 1, buzz: 2    # => "fizz:1\tbuzz:2"

logger.config lambda{|_,_,_,msg| "///do crazy stuff/// #{msg}\n" }
logger.info 'hello'             # => "///do crazy stuff/// hello"

The config method returns self, so that you can tidy up in method chain.

logger = TidyLogger.new(STDOUT).config(:plain)

logger.config(:plain).info 'foo'