OS X Status Bar Integration for Thyme

This Gem adds OS X status bar integration to Thyme, allowing you to always see the remaining time.

Screenshot (hosted by imgur.com)

This works by compiling an Objective-C code that simply displays the text passed via standard input on the status bar when you install the gem, so make sure you have clang installed.


Installation and Usage

First, install the gem:

gem install thyme_osx_ui

Then, modify your .thymerc by adding before, tick, and after hooks as follows:

before do
  $ui = ThymeOSX::UI.new

tick do |seconds_left|

after do |seconds_left|

Now whenever you start a pomodoro with thyme, you should see a status bar item. Clicking on it and selecting "void" will kill the pomodoro.



You can subclass the class ThymeOSX::UI and override these methods:

  • emoji(seconds_left) — to change the emoji icon.
  • text(seconds_left) — to change the text, which include the emoji and time left.
    • So if you want to keep the emoji, you must call emoji(seconds_left) yourself.