Quiet Backtrace

Quiet Backtrace suppresses the noise in your Test::Unit backtrace. It also provides hooks for you to add additional silencers and filters.


sudo gem install thoughtbot-quietbacktrace --source=http://gems.github.com


Quiet Backtrace works by adding new attributes to Test::Unit::TestCase. By default, their values are:

self.quiet_backtrace = true
self.backtrace_silencers = [:test_unit, :gem_root, :e1]
self.backtrace_filters = [:method_name]

Silencers remove lines from the backtrace that return true for given conditions. Filters modify the output of backtrace lines.

Override the defaults by adding your own backtrace_silencers:

class Test::Unit::TestCase
  self.new_backtrace_silencer :shoulda do |line| 
    line.include? 'vendor/plugins/shoulda'
  self.backtrace_silencers << :shoulda

Or your own backtrace_filters:

class Test::Unit::TestCase
  self.new_backtrace_filter :ruby_path do |line|
     ruby_file_path = '/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8'
     line.slice!(0..(line =~ ruby_file_path)) if (line =~ ruby_file_path)
  self.backtrace_filters << :ruby_path

Turn Quiet Backtrace off anywhere in your test suite by setting the flag to false:

Test::Unit::TestCase.quiet_backtrace = false

Rails-specific usage

Install the gem and add it your Rails app:

  • gem install thoughtbot-quietbacktrace --source http://gems.github.com
  • cd vendor/gems
  • gem unpack quietbacktrace

Quiet Backtrace comes with an excellent Rails-specific silencer and filter. They must be added (usually in test_helper.rb) because they are not turned on by default:

class Test::Unit::TestCase
  self.backtrace_silencers << :rails_vendor
  self.backtrace_filters   << :rails_root

Because Quiet Backtrace works by adding attributes onto Test::Unit::TestCase, you can add and remove silencers and filters at any level in your test suite, down to the individual test.


  • Test::Unit
  • ActiveSupport (alias method chain, cattr accessor, & mattr accessor)



Special thanks to the Boston.rb group for cultivating this idea at our inaugural hackfest.

Copyright (c) Dan Croak, James Golick, Joe Ferris, thoughtbot, inc. (the MIT license)