
<<<<<<< HEAD:merb-freezer/README This plugin lets you freeze Merb and run it using the frozen gems.

Why would you want to freeze Merb?

  • You might have multiple applications on the same server/slice/cluster. Different applications might require different versions of Merb.

  • You might work with a team of developers and want everyone to be using the same Merb version.

  • You are using Merb Edge, you want to make sure the production server and your co workers are developing/testing against the same revision.

What are your options?

  • You just want to lock your app to a specific version. For instance version merb-core 0.9.2

  • You only want to use frozen gems located in /framework or /gems

How to lock your app?


How to use frozen gems

Instead of starting merb by typing “merb” in your console, type “frozen-merb” and that’s it :)

If frozen-merb can’t find frozen gems in /framework or /gems then Merb will start normally using the system’s gems.

see README.markdown >>>>>>> new_merb_gen:merb-freezer/README