Threatmonitor Packet Analysis Suite - Docker Image HOWTO

To import example data.

mclient -u monetdb -d threatmonitor < threatmonitor-exampledata.sql

password same as username per monetdb default admin user setup.

Will also need to import the GeoIP Data.

The web interface admin login is admin - default password goblin

You will also need the GeoIP Data importing as well for the Web interface Dashboard to operate

mclient -u monetdb -d threatmonitor < geoip-import.sql

Web Interface

Your defaults file is the config.rb in the gem directory for now.


To Capture data:

thm-producer -m capture -i eth0

To Consume data into the Database

thm-consumer -r

For the RabbitMQ Admin - admin password goblin

Please note

gem install thm

To Keep everything upto date with the current release.

Have fun!

Brian Hood