Theme Check ✅ - A linter for Themes

Think RuboCop, or eslint, but for Shopify themes.

Theme Check is a command line tool that helps you follow Shopify Themes & Liquid best practices by analyzing the Liquid & JSON inside your theme.

Theme Check is also available inside some code editors.

Supported Checks

Theme Check currently checks for the following:

✅ Liquid syntax errors
✅ JSON syntax errors
✅ Missing snippet & section templates
✅ Unused {% assign ... %}
✅ Unused snippet templates
✅ Template length
✅ Deprecated tags
✅ Unknown tags
✅ Unknown filters
✅ Missing {{ content_for_* }} in theme.liquid
✅ Excessive nesting of snippets
✅ Missing or extra spaces inside {% ... %} and {{ ... }}
✅ Missing default locale file
✅ Unmatching translation keys in locale files
✅ Using unknown translation keys in {{ 'missing_key' | t }}
✅ Using several {% ... %} instead of {% liquid ... %}
✅ Undefined objects
✅ Deprecated filters
✅ Missing theme-check-enable comment

As well as checks that prevent easy to spot performance problems:

✅ Use of parser-blocking JavaScript
Use of non-Shopify domains for assets
Missing width and height attributes on img tags
Too much JavaScript
Too much CSS

For detailed descriptions and configuration options, take a look at the complete list.

With more to come! Suggestions welcome (create an issue).


  • Ruby 2.7+


Theme Check is available through Homebrew or RubyGems.


You’ll need to run brew tap first to add Shopify’s third-party repositories to Homebrew.

brew tap shopify/shopify
brew install theme-check


gem install theme-check


theme-check /path/to/your/theme

# or from /path/to/your/theme

Run theme-check --help to get full usage.


Add a .theme-check.yml file at the root of your theme to configure:

# If your theme is not using the supported directory structure, provide the root path
# where to find the `templates/`, `sections/`, `snippets/` directories as they would
# be uploaded to Shopify.
root: dist

# It is possible to extend theme-check with custom checks
  - ./path/to/my_custom_check.rb

# Disable some checks
  enabled: false
  # Or configure options
  max_length: 300

# Enable a custom check
  enabled: true

See config/default.yml for available options & defaults.

Disable checks with comments

Use Liquid comments to disable and re-enable all checks for a section of your template:

{% comment %}theme-check-disable{% endcomment %}
{% assign x = 1 %}
{% comment %}theme-check-enable{% endcomment %}

Disable a specific check by including it in the comment:

{% comment %}theme-check-disable UnusedAssign{% endcomment %}
{% assign x = 1 %}
{% comment %}theme-check-enable UnusedAssign{% endcomment %}

Disable multiple checks by including them as a comma-separated list:

{% comment %}theme-check-disable UnusedAssign,SpaceInsideBraces{% endcomment %}
{%assign x = 1%}
{% comment %}theme-check-enable UnusedAssign,SpaceInsideBraces{% endcomment %}

Disable checks for the entire document by placing the comment on the first line:

{% comment %}theme-check-disable SpaceInsideBraces{% endcomment %}

{%assign x = 1%}