That Object is So Basic!

TOISB lets you play with BasicObject and other weird objects in Ruby in style and without breaking (as many) things.

Gem Travis (.org) Code Climate maintainability


Install the gem like gem install that_object_is_so_basic then use it like this:

require "toisb"

# TOISB was originally extracted from the Impasta and Uspec gems
class Impasta < BasicObject; end
spy =

# Wraps any BasicObject or subclass, including normal Objects
toisb = TOISB.wrap spy

toisb.klass #=> Impasta
toisb.superklass #=> BasicObject
tosib.inspector #=> "#<BasicObject/Impasta:0x2b1fcfc70474>"
toisb.singleton #=> #<Class:#<Impasta:0x0000563f9f8e08e8>>
toisb.ancestors #=> [#<Class:#<Impasta:0x0000563f9f8e08e8>>, Impasta, BasicObject]
toisb.safe_send :to_s #=> "#<TestObject:0x00005563c4965d48>"


© 2019 Anthony M. Cook