Texugo Engine

Origem do nome

Tex: Se refere a texto, já que se trata de uma engine para jogos baseados em texto.

Ugo: Se refere a vômito.

Texugo: Homenagem ao nosso amigo @BrunoGrasselli


Para jogar, rode play.rb :smile:


Apenas um overview pois, comandos adicionais serão providos pelo prompt.

Sair do jogo

Type exit closes game when not in combat

For all commands that require specification (using items, moving places, etc) type the command first, return, and then type the specification.


cast return (screen displays) what would you like to cast? fire return

(when outside):

look - gives description of your surroundings

move - allows travel within town/dungeon.

travel - allows travel between towns/dungeons

inventory - displays inventory

stats - displays player stats/attributes

use - allows use of item

party - displays party along with party members stats/attributes.

(when "inside"):

look - gives description of your surroundings

leave - returns player to "outside"

take - takes an item that is in the room

(when in a fight):

hit - melee attack

cast - allows the use of a spell

use - allows the use of items

inventory - displays inventory