
Adds a handy Textile toolbar to any text area. The toolbar currently offers the following functions:

- Bold: select some text and click this button to make it bold.
- Italic: select some text and click this button to make it italic.
- Insert Hyperlink: select some text, click, enter URL, and link is inserted.
- Insert Image: click, enter image URL, and image is inserted at cursor.

A link to a Textile reference page is also shown beside the toolbar.


Install the gem directly:

sudo gem install textile_toolbar

Or install the gem in your Rails project as a plugin:

script/plugin install git://github.com/pelargir/textile_toolbar.git

Then copy the required image and JS files into your Rails project

rake textile_toolbar:install


Use the textile_area helper where you would normally use the text_area helper. Yep, it’s that simple!

<%= text_area :article, :body %>      # plain old text area
<%= textile_area :article, :body %>   # text area with Textile toolbar

Form blocks are supported, letting you do this also:

<% form_for :article do |f| -%>
  <%= f.textile_area :body %>
<% end -%>

Any options that can be passed to text_area can also be passed to textile_area. For example, to set the width and height:

<%= textile_area :article, :body, :rows => 5, :cols => 10 %>


Repository: github.com/pelargir/textile_toolbar/ Blog: matthewbass.com Author: Matthew Bass

Extraction work sponsored by Terralien