Gem Version

Teuton Client


Teuton Software is an infrastructure test application, that is installed into host called T-NODE. T-NODE user monitorize remote S-NODE users machines using Teuton Software.

When a S-NODE user wants to be tested, must wait until T-NODE user launch manually Teuton test units. Or start TeutonServer and attend request automatically.

Teuton client is used for S-NODE users, to send request to TeutonServer (T-NODE host). This way, S-NODE host is evaluated by the server at any time without T-NODE user intervention.


gem install teuton-client


  • First, TeutonServer must be running into T-NODE host.
  • teuton-client SERVER-IP 16001, S-NODE user send requet ro server.


TeutonClient connecting to SERVER-IP, port 16001:

teuton-client => Waiting...   SERVER-IP:16001 (teuton-server)
              => Connection : SERVER-IP:16001 ->
              => Timestamp  : 2019-11-06 19:06:22 +0000
              => Testname   : testname01
              => Grade      : 100

TeutonServer process request and responds with evaluation grade 100% OK.