Testmetrics MiniTest CircleCI

The official MiniTest client for Testmetrics. This client collects data about your MiniTest test suites after being run in CI and sends that data to Testmetrics so you can gain valuable insights about your test suite.


Add it to your Gemfile in the same groups as MiniTest.

group :test do
  gem "minitest"
  gem "testmetrics_minitest"

Then, when you're running your tests in CI, you can pass the --testmetrics option to turn on the reporter:

bundle exec rake test --testmetrics

You can also turn on the reporter by requiring 'minitest/testmetrics' in your test files.

In order for the metrics to be sent to Testmetrics, you must have your Testmetrics Project Key set in the TESTMETRICS_PROJECT_KEY environment variable in your CI environment. If this environment variable isn't set, the collected metrics for your CI run will be discarded.

This key should be kept private and not exposed to the public.


testmetrics_minitest is offered under the MIT license. For the full license text see LICENSE.