Getting started

This is the public API for the Greenbyte Platform.

Note that this is the beta version of the API, containing new features that might change. This means that any SDKs downloaded for this version might have minor incompatibilities in the future. If you want to view the latest stable API specification, use the version selection dropdown in the top right of the page.

What's new

2020-06-08 – Data endpoint aggregation by group

If you have divided you sites into groups of assets, you can now aggregate your data by those groups when calling the Data, Real Time Data, and Data Per Category endpoints. The new deviceLevel aggregation mode (aggregate parameter) aggregates data based on the hierarchy level directly below site.

2020-04-27 – Data signal permissions

It is now possible to set permissions for individual data signals for API keys (Share > API Keys in the Greenbyte Platform). When adding/editing an API key, there is a new option to select authorized data signals in addition to the device selection. Leaving the signal selection blank (nothing selected) gives permission to all current and future data signals, just like previously created API keys.

API endpoints affected by data signal permissions:

  • datasignals.json: filters returned data signals based on permissions.
  • data.json, realtimedata.json, datapercategory.json: gives 401 Unauthorized error for data signals without permission.
  • status.json, activestatus.json: may omit lost production values (in the lostProduction field) based on data signal permissions.

2020-03-30 – Data Per Category endpoint

We have added a new endpoint to the Greenbyte Platform to make it possible to extract Lost Production data per contract category from the API. You can find more information about this endpoint here: Data Per Category.

General notes regarding endpoints

  • Endpoints that take page and pageSize parameters return a Link header as defined in RFC 8288.
  • Some endpoints return data in your local time zone. This time zone can be fetched from the configuration.json endpoint.
  • All endpoints can also be reached using the POST method, with a JSON request body instead of query parameters.
  • All endpoints implement rate limiting. More information is available under the 429 error response description for each endpoint.

How to Build

This client library is a Ruby gem which can be compiled and used in your Ruby and Ruby on Rails project. This library requires a few gems from the RubyGems repository.

  1. Open the command line interface or the terminal and navigate to the folder containing the source code.
  2. Run gem build test_pack_1.gemspec to build the gem.
  3. Once built, the gem can be installed on the current work environment using gem install test_pack_1-1.0.0.gem

Building Gem

How to Use

The following section explains how to use the TestPack1 Ruby Gem in a new Rails project using RubyMine™. The basic workflow presented here is also applicable if you prefer using a different editor or IDE.

1. Starting a new project

Close any existing projects in RubyMine™ by selecting File -> Close Project. Next, click on Create New Project to create a new project from scratch.

Create a new project in RubyMine

Next, provide TestApp as the project name, choose Rails Application as the project type, and click OK.

Create a new Rails Application in RubyMine - step 1

In the next dialog make sure that correct Ruby SDK is being used (minimum 2.0.0) and click OK.

Create a new Rails Application in RubyMine - step 2

This will create a new Rails Application project with an existing set of files and folder.

2. Add reference of the gem

In order to use the TestPack1 gem in the new project we must add a gem reference. Locate the Gemfile in the Project Explorer window under the TestApp project node. The file contains references to all gems being used in the project. Here, add the reference to the library gem by adding the following line: gem 'test_pack_1', '~> 1.0.0'

Add references of the Gemfile

3. Adding a new Rails Controller

Once the TestApp project is created, a folder named controllers will be visible in the Project Explorer under the following path: TestApp > app > controllers. Right click on this folder and select New -> Run Rails Generator....

Run Rails Generator on Controllers Folder

Selecting the said option will popup a small window where the generator names are displayed. Here, select the controller template.

Create a new Controller

Next, a popup window will ask you for a Controller name and included Actions. For controller name provide Hello and include an action named Index and click OK.

Add a new Controller

A new controller class anmed HelloController will be created in a file named hello_controller.rb containing a method named Index. In this method, add code for initialization and a sample for its usage.

Initialize the library

How to Test

You can test the generated SDK and the server with automatically generated test cases as follows:

  1. From terminal/cmd navigate to the root directory of the SDK.
  2. Invoke: bundle exec rake



In order to setup authentication and initialization of the API client, you need the following information.

Parameter Description
api_token TODO: add a description

API client can be initialized as following.

# Configuration parameters and credentials
api_token = 'api_token'

client =
  api_token: api_token

The added initlization code can be debugged by putting a breakpoint in the Index method and running the project in debug mode by selecting Run -> Debug 'Development: TestApp'.

Debug the TestApp

Class Reference

List of Controllers

Class: StatusesController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the StatusesController class can be accessed from the API Client.

statuses_controller = client.statuses

Method: get_active_statuses

Gets active statuses for multiple devices. This request can also be made using the POST method, with a JSON request body instead of query parameters.

def get_active_statuses(device_ids,
                            category = nil,
                            fields = nil,
                            sort_by = nil,
                            sort_asc = false,
                            page_size = 50,
                            page = 1); end


Parameter Tags Description
device_ids Required Collection Which devices to get statuses for.
category Optional Collection Which status categories to get statuses for.
fields Optional Collection Which fields to include in the response. Valid fields are those defined in the StatusItem schema. By default all fields are included.
sort_by Optional Collection Which fields to sort the response items by. By default the items are sorted by timestampStart.
sort_asc Optional DefaultValue Whether to sort the items in ascending order.
page_size Optional DefaultValue The number of items to return per page.
page Optional DefaultValue Which page to return when the number of items exceed the page size.

Example Usage

device_ids = [161]
category = [TestPack1::StatusCategoryEnum::STOP]
fields = ['fields']
sort_by = ['sortBy']
sort_asc = false
page_size = 50
page = 1

result = statuses_controller.get_active_statuses(device_ids, category, fields, sort_by, sort_asc, page_size, page)


Error Code Error Description
400 The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax.
401 One of the following:
* The request is missing a valid API key.
* The API key does not authorize access the requested data. Devices
or data signals can be limited.
405 The HTTP method is not allowed for the endpoint.
429 The API key has been used in too many requests in a given amount of time. The following headers will be set in the response:
* X-Rate-Limit-Limit - The total number of allowed requests for this period.
* X-Rate-Limit-Remaining - The remaining number of requests for this period.
* X-Rate-Limit-Reset - The number of seconds left until the end of this period.

Method: get_statuses

Gets statuses for multiple devices during the given time period. This request can also be made using the POST method, with a JSON request body instead of query parameters.

def get_statuses(device_ids,
                     category = nil,
                     fields = nil,
                     sort_by = nil,
                     sort_asc = false,
                     page_size = 50,
                     page = 1); end


Parameter Tags Description
device_ids Required Collection Which devices to get statuses for.
timestamp_start Required The first timestamp to get data for. Timestamps ending with 'Z' are treated as UTC. Other timestamps are treated as local time in your system-configured time zone.
timestamp_end Required The last timestamp to get data for. Timestamps ending with 'Z' are treated as UTC. Other timestamps are treated as local time in your system-configured time zone.
category Optional Collection Which status categories to get statuses for.
fields Optional Collection Which fields to include in the response. Valid fields are those defined in the StatusItem schema. By default all fields are included.
sort_by Optional Collection Which fields to sort the response items by. By default the items are sorted by timestampStart.
sort_asc Optional DefaultValue Whether to sort the items in ascending order.
page_size Optional DefaultValue The number of items to return per page.
page Optional DefaultValue Which page to return when the number of items exceed the page size.

Example Usage

device_ids = [161]
timestamp_start =
timestamp_end =
category = [TestPack1::StatusCategoryEnum::STOP]
fields = ['fields']
sort_by = ['sortBy']
sort_asc = false
page_size = 50
page = 1

result = statuses_controller.get_statuses(device_ids, timestamp_start, timestamp_end, category, fields, sort_by, sort_asc, page_size, page)


Error Code Error Description
400 The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax.
401 One of the following:
* The request is missing a valid API key.
* The API key does not authorize access the requested data. Devices
or data signals can be limited.
405 The HTTP method is not allowed for the endpoint.
429 The API key has been used in too many requests in a given amount of time. The following headers will be set in the response:
* X-Rate-Limit-Limit - The total number of allowed requests for this period.
* X-Rate-Limit-Remaining - The remaining number of requests for this period.
* X-Rate-Limit-Reset - The number of seconds left until the end of this period.

Back to List of Controllers

Class: DataController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the DataController class can be accessed from the API Client.

data_controller =

Method: get_data_signals

Gets authorized data signals for one or more devices. This request can also be made using the POST method, with a JSON request body instead of query parameters.

def get_data_signals(device_ids); end


Parameter Tags Description
device_ids Required Collection What devices to get data signals for.

Example Usage

device_ids = [161]

result = data_controller.get_data_signals(device_ids)


Error Code Error Description
400 The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax.
401 One of the following:
* The request is missing a valid API key.
* The API key does not authorize access the requested data. Devices
or data signals can be limited.
405 The HTTP method is not allowed for the endpoint.
429 The API key has been used in too many requests in a given amount of time. The following headers will be set in the response:
* X-Rate-Limit-Limit - The total number of allowed requests for this period.
* X-Rate-Limit-Remaining - The remaining number of requests for this period.
* X-Rate-Limit-Reset - The number of seconds left until the end of this period.

Method: get_data

Gets data for multiple devices and data signals in the given resolution. This request can also be made using the POST method, with a JSON request body instead of query parameters.

def get_data(device_ids,
                 resolution = nil,
                 aggregate = nil,
                 calculation = nil); end


Parameter Tags Description
device_ids Required Collection Which devices to get data for.
data_signal_ids Required Collection Which data signals to get data for.
timestamp_start Required The first timestamp to get data for. Timestamps ending with 'Z' are treated as UTC. Other timestamps are treated as local time in your system-configured time zone.
timestamp_end Required The last timestamp to get data for. Timestamps ending with 'Z' are treated as UTC. Other timestamps are treated as local time in your system-configured time zone.
resolution Optional The desired data resolution.
aggregate Optional How the data should be aggregated with regards to device(s) or site(s).
calculation Optional The calculation used when aggregating data, both over time and across devices. The default is the data signal default.

Example Usage

device_ids = [161]
data_signal_ids = [161]
timestamp_start =
timestamp_end =
resolution = TestPack1::ResolutionEnum::ENUM_5MINUTE
aggregate = TestPack1::AggregateModeEnum::DEVICE
calculation = TestPack1::CalculationModeEnum::AVERAGE

result = data_controller.get_data(device_ids, data_signal_ids, timestamp_start, timestamp_end, resolution, aggregate, calculation)


Error Code Error Description
400 The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax.
401 One of the following:
* The request is missing a valid API key.
* The API key does not authorize access the requested data. Devices
or data signals can be limited.
405 The HTTP method is not allowed for the endpoint.
429 The API key has been used in too many requests in a given amount of time. The following headers will be set in the response:
* X-Rate-Limit-Limit - The total number of allowed requests for this period.
* X-Rate-Limit-Remaining - The remaining number of requests for this period.
* X-Rate-Limit-Reset - The number of seconds left until the end of this period.

Method: get_real_time_data

Gets the most recent high-resolution data point for each specified device and data signal. This request can also be made using the POST method, with a JSON request body instead of query parameters.

def get_real_time_data(device_ids,
                           aggregate = nil,
                           calculation = nil); end


Parameter Tags Description
device_ids Required Collection Which devices to get data for.
data_signal_ids Required Collection Which data signals to get data for.
aggregate Optional How the data should be aggregated with regards to device(s) or site(s).
calculation Optional The calculation used when aggregating data, both over time and across devices. The default is the data signal default.

Example Usage

device_ids = [161]
data_signal_ids = [161]
aggregate = TestPack1::AggregateModeEnum::DEVICE
calculation = TestPack1::CalculationModeEnum::AVERAGE

result = data_controller.get_real_time_data(device_ids, data_signal_ids, aggregate, calculation)


Error Code Error Description
400 The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax.
401 One of the following:
* The request is missing a valid API key.
* The API key does not authorize access the requested data. Devices
or data signals can be limited.
405 The HTTP method is not allowed for the endpoint.
429 The API key has been used in too many requests in a given amount of time. The following headers will be set in the response:
* X-Rate-Limit-Limit - The total number of allowed requests for this period.
* X-Rate-Limit-Remaining - The remaining number of requests for this period.
* X-Rate-Limit-Reset - The number of seconds left until the end of this period.

Method: get_data_per_category

Gets signal data aggregated per availability contract category. This request can also be made using the POST method, with a JSON request body instead of query parameters.

def get_data_per_category(device_ids,
                              aggregate = nil,
                              category = nil); end


Parameter Tags Description
device_ids Required Collection Which devices to get data for.
data_signal_id Required Which signal to get data for; only Lost Production signals are supported at the moment.
timestamp_start Required The first timestamp to get data for. Timestamps ending with 'Z' are treated as UTC. Other timestamps are treated as local time in your system-configured time zone.
timestamp_end Required The last timestamp to get data for. Timestamps ending with 'Z' are treated as UTC. Other timestamps are treated as local time in your system-configured time zone.
aggregate Optional How the data should be aggregated with regards to device(s) or site(s).
category Optional Collection Which status categories to include. By default all categories are included.

Example Usage

device_ids = [161]
data_signal_id = 161
timestamp_start =
timestamp_end =
aggregate = TestPack1::AggregateModeEnum::DEVICE
category = [TestPack1::StatusCategoryEnum::STOP]

result = data_controller.get_data_per_category(device_ids, data_signal_id, timestamp_start, timestamp_end, aggregate, category)


Error Code Error Description
400 The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax.
401 One of the following:
* The request is missing a valid API key.
* The API key does not authorize access the requested data. Devices
or data signals can be limited.
405 The HTTP method is not allowed for the endpoint.
429 The API key has been used in too many requests in a given amount of time. The following headers will be set in the response:
* X-Rate-Limit-Limit - The total number of allowed requests for this period.
* X-Rate-Limit-Remaining - The remaining number of requests for this period.
* X-Rate-Limit-Reset - The number of seconds left until the end of this period.

Back to List of Controllers

Class: AlertsController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the AlertsController class can be accessed from the API Client.

alerts_controller = client.alerts

Method: get_active_alarms

This endpoint is deprecated. Please use the new endpoint /activealerts.json instead.

def get_active_alarms(device_ids,
                          fields = nil,
                          sort_by = nil,
                          sort_asc = false,
                          page_size = 50,
                          page = 1); end


Parameter Tags Description
device_ids Required Collection What devices to get alerts for.
fields Optional Collection Which fields to include in the response. Valid fields are those defined in the AlertItem schema. By default all fields are included.
sort_by Optional Collection Which fields to sort the response items by. By default the items are sorted by timestampStart.
sort_asc Optional DefaultValue Whether to sort the items in ascending order.
page_size Optional DefaultValue The number of items to return per page.
page Optional DefaultValue Which page to return when the number of items exceed the page size.

Example Usage

device_ids = [161]
fields = ['fields']
sort_by = ['sortBy']
sort_asc = false
page_size = 50
page = 1

result = alerts_controller.get_active_alarms(device_ids, fields, sort_by, sort_asc, page_size, page)


Error Code Error Description
400 The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax.
401 One of the following:
* The request is missing a valid API key.
* The API key does not authorize access the requested data. Devices
or data signals can be limited.
405 The HTTP method is not allowed for the endpoint.
429 The API key has been used in too many requests in a given amount of time. The following headers will be set in the response:
* X-Rate-Limit-Limit - The total number of allowed requests for this period.
* X-Rate-Limit-Remaining - The remaining number of requests for this period.
* X-Rate-Limit-Reset - The number of seconds left until the end of this period.

Method: get_active_alerts

Gets active alerts for multiple devices.

def get_active_alerts(device_ids,
                          fields = nil,
                          sort_by = nil,
                          sort_asc = false,
                          page_size = 50,
                          page = 1); end


Parameter Tags Description
device_ids Required Collection What devices to get alerts for.
fields Optional Collection Which fields to include in the response. Valid fields are those defined in the AlertItem schema. By default all fields are included.
sort_by Optional Collection Which fields to sort the response items by. By default the items are sorted by timestampStart.
sort_asc Optional DefaultValue Whether to sort the items in ascending order.
page_size Optional DefaultValue The number of items to return per page.
page Optional DefaultValue Which page to return when the number of items exceed the page size.

Example Usage

device_ids = [161]
fields = ['fields']
sort_by = ['sortBy']
sort_asc = false
page_size = 50
page = 1

result = alerts_controller.get_active_alerts(device_ids, fields, sort_by, sort_asc, page_size, page)


Error Code Error Description
400 The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax.
401 One of the following:
* The request is missing a valid API key.
* The API key does not authorize access the requested data. Devices
or data signals can be limited.
405 The HTTP method is not allowed for the endpoint.
429 The API key has been used in too many requests in a given amount of time. The following headers will be set in the response:
* X-Rate-Limit-Limit - The total number of allowed requests for this period.
* X-Rate-Limit-Remaining - The remaining number of requests for this period.
* X-Rate-Limit-Reset - The number of seconds left until the end of this period.

Method: get_alerts

Gets alerts for multiple devices and the given time period.

def get_alerts(device_ids,
                   fields = nil,
                   sort_by = nil,
                   sort_asc = false,
                   page_size = 50,
                   page = 1); end


Parameter Tags Description
device_ids Required Collection What devices to get alerts for.
timestamp_start Required The first timestamp to get data for.
timestamp_end Required The last timestamp to get data for.
fields Optional Collection Which fields to include in the response. Valid fields are those defined in the AlertItem schema. By default all fields are included.
sort_by Optional Collection Which fields to sort the response items by. By default the items are sorted by timestampStart.
sort_asc Optional DefaultValue Whether to sort the items in ascending order.
page_size Optional DefaultValue The number of items to return per page.
page Optional DefaultValue Which page to return when the number of items exceed the page size.

Example Usage

device_ids = [161]
timestamp_start =
timestamp_end =
fields = ['fields']
sort_by = ['sortBy']
sort_asc = false
page_size = 50
page = 1

result = alerts_controller.get_alerts(device_ids, timestamp_start, timestamp_end, fields, sort_by, sort_asc, page_size, page)


Error Code Error Description
400 The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax.
401 One of the following:
* The request is missing a valid API key.
* The API key does not authorize access the requested data. Devices
or data signals can be limited.
405 The HTTP method is not allowed for the endpoint.
429 The API key has been used in too many requests in a given amount of time. The following headers will be set in the response:
* X-Rate-Limit-Limit - The total number of allowed requests for this period.
* X-Rate-Limit-Remaining - The remaining number of requests for this period.
* X-Rate-Limit-Reset - The number of seconds left until the end of this period.

Method: get_alarms

This endpoint is deprecated. Please use the new endpoint /alerts.json instead.

def get_alarms(device_ids,
                   fields = nil,
                   sort_by = nil,
                   sort_asc = false,
                   page_size = 50,
                   page = 1); end


Parameter Tags Description
device_ids Required Collection What devices to get alerts for.
timestamp_start Required The first timestamp to get data for.
timestamp_end Required The last timestamp to get data for.
fields Optional Collection Which fields to include in the response. Valid fields are those defined in the AlertItem schema. By default all fields are included.
sort_by Optional Collection Which fields to sort the response items by. By default the items are sorted by timestampStart.
sort_asc Optional DefaultValue Whether to sort the items in ascending order.
page_size Optional DefaultValue The number of items to return per page.
page Optional DefaultValue Which page to return when the number of items exceed the page size.

Example Usage

device_ids = [161]
timestamp_start =
timestamp_end =
fields = ['fields']
sort_by = ['sortBy']
sort_asc = false
page_size = 50
page = 1

result = alerts_controller.get_alarms(device_ids, timestamp_start, timestamp_end, fields, sort_by, sort_asc, page_size, page)


Error Code Error Description
400 The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax.
401 One of the following:
* The request is missing a valid API key.
* The API key does not authorize access the requested data. Devices
or data signals can be limited.
405 The HTTP method is not allowed for the endpoint.
429 The API key has been used in too many requests in a given amount of time. The following headers will be set in the response:
* X-Rate-Limit-Limit - The total number of allowed requests for this period.
* X-Rate-Limit-Remaining - The remaining number of requests for this period.
* X-Rate-Limit-Reset - The number of seconds left until the end of this period.

Back to List of Controllers

Class: ConfigurationDataController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the ConfigurationDataController class can be accessed from the API Client.

configurationData_controller = client.configuration_data

Method: get_configuration

Gets your system-wide configuration data. This request can also be made using the POST method, with a JSON request body instead of query parameters.

def get_configuration; end

Example Usage

result = configurationData_controller.get_configuration()


Error Code Error Description
400 The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax.
401 One of the following:
* The request is missing a valid API key.
* The API key does not authorize access the requested data. Devices
or data signals can be limited.
405 The HTTP method is not allowed for the endpoint.
429 The API key has been used in too many requests in a given amount of time. The following headers will be set in the response:
* X-Rate-Limit-Limit - The total number of allowed requests for this period.
* X-Rate-Limit-Remaining - The remaining number of requests for this period.
* X-Rate-Limit-Reset - The number of seconds left until the end of this period.

Back to List of Controllers

Class: AssetsController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the AssetsController class can be accessed from the API Client.

assets_controller = client.assets

Method: get_devices

Gets a list of devices that the API key has permissions for. This request can also be made using the POST method, with a JSON request body instead of query parameters.

def get_devices(device_type_ids = nil,
                    site_ids = nil,
                    parent_ids = nil,
                    fields = nil,
                    page_size = 50,
                    page = 1); end


Parameter Tags Description
device_type_ids Optional Collection Which device types to get. Examples:
  • 1 - Wind turbine
  • 2 - Production meter
  • 3 - Met mast
  • 4 - Inverter
  • 10 - Device group
  • 11 - Grid meter
  • 12 - Combiner box
  • 23 - String | | site_ids | Optional Collection | Only include devices at these sites. | | parent_ids | Optional Collection | Only include devices with these parent devices. | | fields | Optional Collection | Which fields to include in the response. Valid fields are those defined in the Device schema. By default all fields are included. | | page_size | Optional DefaultValue | The number of items to return per page. | | page | Optional DefaultValue | Which page to return when the number of items exceed the page size. |

Example Usage

device_type_ids = [252]
site_ids = [252]
parent_ids = [252]
fields = ['fields']
page_size = 50
page = 1

result = assets_controller.get_devices(device_type_ids, site_ids, parent_ids, fields, page_size, page)


Error Code Error Description
400 The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax.
401 One of the following:
* The request is missing a valid API key.
* The API key does not authorize access the requested data. Devices
or data signals can be limited.
405 The HTTP method is not allowed for the endpoint.
429 The API key has been used in too many requests in a given amount of time. The following headers will be set in the response:
* X-Rate-Limit-Limit - The total number of allowed requests for this period.
* X-Rate-Limit-Remaining - The remaining number of requests for this period.
* X-Rate-Limit-Reset - The number of seconds left until the end of this period.

Method: get_sites

Gets a list of sites that the API key has permissions for. This request can also be made using the POST method, with a JSON request body instead of query parameters.

def get_sites(fields = nil,
                  page_size = 50,
                  page = 1); end


Parameter Tags Description
fields Optional Collection Which fields to include in the response. Valid fields are those defined in the SiteWithData schema. By default all fields are included.
page_size Optional DefaultValue The number of items to return per page.
page Optional DefaultValue Which page to return when the number of items exceed the page size.

Example Usage

fields = ['fields']
page_size = 50
page = 1

result = assets_controller.get_sites(fields, page_size, page)

Method: get_power_curves

Gets the default or learned power curves for wind turbines. Other device types are not supported. This request can also be made using the POST method, with a JSON request body instead of query parameters.

def get_power_curves(device_ids,
                         timestamp = nil,
                         learned = false); end


Parameter Tags Description
device_ids Required Collection What devices to get power curves for. Only wind turbines are supported.
timestamp Optional The date for which to get power curves. The default is the current date.
learned Optional DefaultValue Whether to get learned power curves instead of default power curves.

Example Usage

device_ids = [252]
timestamp =
learned = false

result = assets_controller.get_power_curves(device_ids, timestamp, learned)


Error Code Error Description
400 The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax.
401 One of the following:
* The request is missing a valid API key.
* The API key does not authorize access the requested data. Devices
or data signals can be limited.
405 The HTTP method is not allowed for the endpoint.
429 The API key has been used in too many requests in a given amount of time. The following headers will be set in the response:
* X-Rate-Limit-Limit - The total number of allowed requests for this period.
* X-Rate-Limit-Remaining - The remaining number of requests for this period.
* X-Rate-Limit-Reset - The number of seconds left until the end of this period.

Back to List of Controllers