ruby-tesseract - Ruby bindings and wrapper

This wrapper binds the TessBaseAPI object through ffi-inliner (which means it will work on JRuby too) and then proceeds to wrap said API in a more ruby-esque Engine class.

Making it work

To make this library work you need tesseract-ocr and leptonica libraries and headers and a C++ compiler.

For now you also need to install my own version of ffi-inliner because it's still under review for upstream merging.

The gem is called tesseract-ocr.


require 'tesseract'

e = {|e|
    e.language = :eng

    e.blacklist '|'

e.text_for('test/first.png').strip # => 'ABC'
e.words_for('test/second.png') # => ["I'm", "12", "and", "what", "is", "this.", "INSTALL", "GENTOO", "OH", "HAI", "1234"]

e.with { |e| e.whitelist '1234567890' }.text_for('test/second.png') # => "11111 12 3116 1111113115111151\n11157411 6511700\n014 11141 1234\n\n"

You can pass to #text_for either a path, an IO object or a string containing the image, there are few supported formats so try to stay in the BMP/JPEG/PNG boundaries. This means that you can also work on an image with RMagick or similar and then pass the raw data.

Using the binary

You can also use the shipped executable in the following way:

> tesseract.rb -h
Usage: tesseract [options]
        --path PATH                  datapath to set
    -l, --language LANGUAGE          language to use
    -m, --mode MODE                  mode to use
    -p, --psm MODE                   page segmentation mode to use
    -u, --unlv                       output in UNLV format
    -c, --confidence                 output the mean confidence of the recognition
    -C, --config PATH...             config files to load
    -b, --blacklist LIST             blacklist the following chars
    -w, --whitelist LIST             whitelist the following chars
> tesseract.rb test/first.png 
> tesseract.rb -c test/first.png