
Use True/False/Maybe singletons to evaluate 3-value logic for such great fun.


require 'ternary_types'

T = TernaryTypes::True.instance
M = TernaryTypes::Maybe.instance
F = TernaryTypes::False.instance

!T # => #<TernaryTypes::False:0x007feccc7c4938>
!M # => #<TernaryTypes::Maybe:0x007feccc7b61f8>
T == F # => #<TernaryTypes::False:0x007feccc7c4938>
M == T # => #<TernaryTypes::Maybe:0x007feccc7b61f8>
M == M # => #<TernaryTypes::Maybe:0x007feccc7b61f8>
T == T # => #<TernaryTypes::True:0x007feccc7bc670>
T & F # => #<TernaryTypes::False:0x007feccc7c4938>
M & T # => #<TernaryTypes::Maybe:0x007feccc7b61f8>
T | F # => #<TernaryTypes::True:0x007feccc7bc670>
T ^ T # => #<TernaryTypes::False:0x007feccc7c4938>

include TernaryTypes::Coersion

Ternary(true) # => #<TernaryTypes::True:0x007feccc7bc670>
Ternary(:foo) # => #<TernaryTypes::True:0x007feccc7bc670>

Ternary(false) # => #<TernaryTypes::False:0x007feccc7c4938>
Ternary(nil) # => #<TernaryTypes::False:0x007feccc7c4938>

Ternary(:maybe) # => #<TernaryTypes::Maybe:0x007feccc7b61f8>


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ternary_types'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install ternary_types


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request