
Termite is a gem to handle local logs. Specifically, it logs to Syslog in a simple component-based manner, records thread IDs and serializes JSON data.

It uses, but doesn't depend on, an Ecology file to specify things like the default application name and other logging settings.


"gem install termite" works pretty well. You can also specify Termite from a Gemfile if you're using Bundler (and you should).

Ooyalans should make sure that "gems.sv2" is listed as a gem source in your Gemfile or on your gem command line.

Logging Dynamically

Create a logger with something like one of these:

@logger = Termite::Logger.new @logger = Termite::Logger.new :component => "MyLibrary"

Then use it like a regular logger, possibly with options:

@logger.add(Logger::DEBUG, "so, like, this thing happened, right?", {}, :component => :ValleyGirl) @logger.warn { "And I was like, whoah!" }

You can also pass in JSON data after your message and before your options:

@logger.fatal("Pain and misery!", { :where_it_hurts => "elbow" }, :component => "WhinyLib") @logger.info("I ache", => "kidney", :application => "NotMe", :component => "StoicLib")

Termite also supports full Ruby Logger initialize parameters for backward compatibility:

@logger = Termite::Logger.new("/var/lib/daily_termite_logs", "daily") @logger = Termite::Logger.new("/tmp/rotatable.txt", 15, 1024000) # Up to 15 logs of size 1024000

You can also use all the standard methods of Ruby logging:

@logger.log(Logger::INFO, "I feel Ruby-compatible") @logger << "This message gets logged as INFO"

Similarly, when using a file logger, the output should be very similar to what you'd get from a Ruby logger. So a Termite logger is nearly a drop-in replacement for the Ruby logger, plus you get Syslog output and console output in addition to your existing to-file output.

Log Level

Termite loggers, like Ruby loggers, allow you to set the logger's level. All events below that level will be silently discarded, and will also not be sent to non-syslog loggers. You can change the level with "logger.level = Logger::WARN" and similar.

By default, Termite will log events of all severities to standard output, and events of at least severity :error to standard error. You can set .stdout_level and .stderr_level just like setting .level above. Level takes precedence over the other two and stderr_level takes precedence over stdout_level.

Non-Syslog Logging

If a filename or handle is specified in the constructor, Termite will instantiate a Ruby Logger with the same parameters and mirror all events to it.

You can pass in objects with an :add method to a Termite logger's "add_extra_logger" method, and from then on all events will be mirrored to that object. This can be useful for chaining loggers if you need to. Events below the Termite logger's level (see above) won't be mirrored.

Translating to SysLog

When writing to SysLog, Termite translates Ruby Logger severities into SysLog severities. By default, this is the mapping:

Logger => SysLog :unknown => :alert :fatal => :crit :error => :err :warn => :warning :info => :info :debug => :debug

Configuring with an Ecology

Termite supports a standard Ecology file. By default, it will look at the location of the current executable ($0) with extension .ecology. So "bob.rb" would have "bob.ecology" next to it.

An Ecology is a JSON file of roughly this structure:

{ "application": "MyApp", "logging": { "default_component": "SplodgingLib", "extra_json_fields": { "app_group": "SuperSpiffyGroup", "precedence": 7 }, "sinks": [ { "type": "stdout", "color": "green", "min_level": "debug", "max_level": "warning" }, { "type": "stderr", "color": "red", "min_level": "error" }, { "type": "file", "filename": "/tmp/bobo.txt", "min_level": "warning", "shift_age": 10, "shift_size": 1024000 }, { "type": "syslog", "transport": "UDP" }, { "type": "hastur", "udp_port": 9199, "labels": { "app_flavor": "vanilla", "track_for": "jbhat" } } ] } }

Absolutely every part of it is optional, including the presence of the file at all.

You can override the application name, as shown above. Other than the application name, all Termite-specific parameters are under the "logging" field, as above.

The default_component is what application component is given for an add() call by default. If set, it can be removed with ":component => nil" for a given add() call.

Extra JSON fields are added to the JSON data of every add() call.

Console_print can be set to "off" (or "no" or "0") to turn off Termite printing to stderr and stdout by default at different log levels.

Filename, shift_age and shift_size are the same as Ruby Logger's normal initialize parameters. The first is the filename to log to, the second is how many total log files to keep, and the third is how large each log file can grow. Or the second can be set to a value like "daily" or "monthly", and then the third is irrelevant.

You can also set level, stdout_level and stderr_level explained above. We allow numerical (syslog) values, or standard names of Ruby Logger severities.

If you reset your Ecology (usually used for testing), you should recreate all your Termite::Logger objects. The old ones will still have stale settings from the old Ecology's defaults and data.

Releasing within Ooyala

Ooyalans, to release Termite to gems.sv2, use the following:

rake build rake 0.8.7 -f ../ooyala_gems.rake gem:push termite-0.0.1.gem

Change the version to the actual version you'd like to push.