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Print colorized strings on terminal (Useful for printing fancy logs)


Install gem by using following command:

gem install term-colorizer

or add it to your Gemfile as:

gem 'term-colorizer', require: 'term-colorizer'


"Duck can quack".green
# => "\e[32mDuck can quack\e[0m"

puts "Wow, that's really".underline + " cool ".black.strikethrough + "hot!".bg_red.bright_yellow
# guess what it will do?

To see all accessible methods provided by term-colorizer, use:

>> "Hello".term_colorizer_methods
=> [:black, :red, :green, :yellow, :blue, :magenta, :cyan, :white, :bright_black, :bright_red, :bright_green, :bright_yellow, :bright_blue, :bright_magenta, :bright_cyan, :bright_white, :bg_black, :bg_red, :bg_green, :bg_yellow, :bg_blue, :bg_magenta, :bg_cyan, :bg_white, :underline, :strikethrough, :term_colorizer_methods, :fancy_color_methods, :no_underline, :no_strikethrough, :no_color, :no_bg_color, :plain_text, :reset_fancyness]

To see available color methods only:

>> "Hello".color_methods
=> [:black, :red, :green, :yellow, :blue, :magenta, :cyan, :white]

To see available bright (bold) color methods only:

>> "Hello".bright_color_methods
=> [:bright_black, :bright_red, :bright_green, :bright_yellow, :bright_blue, :bright_magenta, :bright_cyan, :bright_white]

To see available background color methods only:

>> "Hello".bg_color_methods
=> [:bg_black, :bg_red, :bg_green, :bg_yellow, :bg_blue, :bg_magenta, :bg_cyan, :bg_white]



And, for sake -- also added bunch of reset methods, viz. plain_text, reset_fancyness, no_color, no_bg_color, no_underline, no_strikethrough. You can use 'em as:

>> "That's it, boy!".green.bg_yellow.plain_text
=> "That's it, boy!"




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  • Make a pull request, bonus points for topic branches.

Copyright (c) 2013, Vishal Telangre and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.

This project is licenced under the MIT License.