
TerRor is a simple gem that helps to organize and translate Rails API errors.


TerRor requires two files to work. Firs one: config/error_messages.yml is a simple list of available error codes with corresponding short messages.

1001: "Name can't be blank"
1002: "Email already taken"
1003: "Phone format is invalid"

2001: "Weapon must be one of: Whire, Firearm."
2002: "Serial number must be in format: '1111-2222-3333-4444-DE'."

The second one: config/error_codes.yml is a mapping of model errors into error codes.

  name_blank: 1001
  email_taken: 1002
  phone_invalid: 1003
  kind_inclusion: 2001
  serial_number_invalid: 2002

You can configure TerRor to use other locations or names of these files like this:

  TerRor.configure do |config|
    config.messages_filepath = "config/api_error_messages.yml"
    config.codes_filepath = "config/api_error_codes.yml"

By default Terror::Model module is mixed into ApplicationRecord. You must include it yourself in classes that do not inherit from ApplicationRecord. This module adds terrors method to models which returns list of object's errors translated into codes in the following format:

      "code" => 1001,
      "message" =>  "Name can't be blank"
    }, {
      "code" => 1002,
      "message" => "Email already taken"
    }, {
      "code" => 1003,
      "message" => "Phone format is invalid"

There is also a Terror::Controller module mixed into ApplicationController which gives you a convenient helper to render errors JSON:

class SomeController < ApplicationController
  def create
    if new_object.save
      head :no_content


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ter_ror'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install ter_ror


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.