TheElectricFursuit FurComs

This gem is the link between a FurComs hardware bus and your ruby code! It provides a standardized interface for sending and receiving messages, using a large variety of channels to connect to a FurComs bus.

In its current state, it provides the following options:

  • A direct FurComs connection via a USB to UART adapter.
    This does not provide arbitration, but is perfect for testing, as well as read-only access.
  • Two MQTT Briding classes to connect a Serial FurComs connection to a broker, and to access the FurComs bus via MQTT.

In upcoming versions there will be other options available, such as using a STM32 as translator to the computer, providing true arbitration.


Let's give a short and sweet example. Here, we will try to connect to a FurComs bus using a USB to UART adapter connected to /dev/ttyACM0 and send and receive a few messages.

require 'tef/furcoms.rb'

coms_interface ='/dev/ttyACM0');

coms_interface.on_message /^Topic_Regexp(\d)/ do |data, topic|
    puts "Got some data on #{topic}!"

coms_interface.send_message 'Topic_Regexp1234', 'Henlo yes!'

And that's all you need!

If you want to use MQTT you'll need to do the following instead:

require 'mqtt/sub_handler.rb' # Comes from the mqtt-sub_handler gem, which is not a dependency of this FurComs gem!

require 'tef/furcoms.rb'

mqtt ='');

coms_interface ='/dev/ttyACM0', mqtt, 'FurComs/MyTopic/');
# Leaving out the topic will instead use 'FurComs/DEVNAME', in this case FurComs/ttyACM0

coms_over_mqtt =, 'FurComs/MyTopic/');

The SerialToMQTT and MQTT classes have the same interface functions as the Serial class, and can be used interchangeably!