The TeamCity Ruby Gem Build Status Code Climate Dependency Status

Ruby wrapper for the TeamCity Rest API


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'teamcity-ruby-client'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install teamcity-ruby-client

API Usage Examples

  • Tested on TeamCity 7.0 and higher
  • Most of the api calls return either an array of Hashie::Mash objects or a single Hashie::Mash object which allows you to send messages to retreive an attribute easily.
  • See the spec tests for more examples


  • See configuration source or api doc for more configuration options
require 'teamcity'

# Currently only guest authentication is supported, next version will
# support authentication which will allow write api calls.  This only needs
# to be set once per Ruby execution.
TeamCity.configure do |config|
  config.endpoint = 'http://my-teamcity-server:8111/guestAuth/app/rest'


# Get a list of projects
puts TeamCity.projects

# Get a project by id
puts TeamCity.project(id: 'project1')

# Get a list of buildtypes for a project
puts TeamCity.project_buildtypes(id: 'project1')

# Each item returned is a Hashie::Mash object which allows you to send messages
# to retreive an attribute easily.  For example, get the name of
# the first buildtype in a project
puts TeamCity.project_buildtypes(id: 'project1')

Build Types (Build Configurations)

# Get a list of buildtypes (build configurations)
puts TeamCity.buildtypes

# Get buildtype details (build configuration)
puts TeamCity.buildtype(id: 'bt1')

# Get buildtype steps
puts TeamCity.buildtype_steps(id: 'bt1')

# See the api docs for more api calls


# Get build details
puts 1)

# Get build tags
puts TeamCity.build_tags(id: 1)

# Fetch all the builds (defaults to the last 100 builds, use the 'count' build locator to return more)
puts TeamCity.builds

# Filter builds by multiple criteria's using the build locator
puts TeamCity.builds(count: 1, status: 'SUCCESS') # This will return the most recent build that passed

puts TeamCity.builds(count: 1)

puts TeamCity.builds(buildType: 'bt3') # Fetch all builds where buildType=bt4

puts TeamCity.builds(status: 'FAILURE') # Fetch all builds that failed

# Passing the output to another to fetch additional information
puts TeamCity.builds(count: 1) # Fetch the name of the last build to run


Generating API Docs

  1. Pull the source down
  2. bundle install
  3. rake yard
  4. open doc/index.html

TeamCity Rest API Plugin



Ways to contribute:

  • report a bug
  • fix an issue that is logged
  • suggest enhancements
  • suggest a new feature
  • cleaning up code
  • refactoring code
  • fix documentation errors
  • test on a new versions of teamcity
  • Use the gem :)

Submitting an issue

I use issue tracker to track bugs, features, enhancements, etc. Please check the list of issues to confirm it hasn't already been reported. Please tag the the issue with an appropriate tag. If submitting a bug please include any output that will help me in diagnosing the issue, link to a gist if you have multiple outputs (client output, teamcity server output). Please include the version of teamcity you are using the client against as well as the gem and ruby versions.

Submitting a Pull Request

  1. Fork the project.
  2. Create a topic branch.
  3. Implement your feature or bug fix.
  4. Add documentation for your feature or bug fix.
  5. Run rake doc:yard. If your changes are not 100% documented, go back to step 4.
  6. Add specs for your feature or bug fix.
  7. If the rspec test is making a request use VCR to record the response, see the other examples.
  8. Run rake spec. If your changes are not 100% covered, go back to step 6.
  9. Commit and push your changes.
  10. Submit a pull request.

Debugging Tips

  • Enable debug-rest in TeamCity to see all the rest api requests come through in the teamcity-rest.log, you can find this on the Diagnostics page under Server Administration


Feel free to contact me directly through github. Enjoy!