By TCell.

TCell Hooks is to be used in conjuction with the tcell_agent to allow for custom event notifications of login failures and login successes.

Getting started

You can add it to your Gemfile with:

ruby gem 'tcell_hooks'

Then run bundle install

There are two options for calling the hooks from your application code:

By providing a Rails request object and having the TCell Agent extract the relevant details from it:

ruby TCellAgent::Hooks::V1::Frameworks::Rails::Login.register_login_event( TCellAgent::Hooks::V1::Login::LOGIN_SUCCESS, rails_request, "user's id", user_valid=false )

Or by providing each individual piece of information required for the TCell event:

ruby TCellAgent::Hooks::V1::Login.register_login_event( TCellAgent::Hooks::V1::Login::LOGIN_SUCCESS, "users session id", "user agent from request", "users referrer header", "remote address", ["array","of","header","names"], "users id", "document uri", user_valid=false )

The available statuses are:



Important Note

If the tcell_agent is not installed or if it’s disabled, this code will do nothing and should have no performance effect on your app.