
This gem is used for the creation and deployment of Geolexica, the ISO/TC 211 Multi-Lingual Glossary Terminology database, located at https://www.geolexica.org.

The repository for the site is located at:


Add this line to your Gemfile:

gem 'tc211-termbase'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install tc211-termbase


The gem comes with the following executable:

  • tc211-termbase-xlsx2yaml: used to extract terms from the official ISO/TC 211 terminology workbook, into ConceptYAML and TermYAML files.

The MLGT XLSX file can be obtained from https://committee.iso.org/sites/tc211/home/re.html

Using tc211-termbase-xlsx2yaml

Run the following command:

$ tc211-termbase-xlsx2yaml [termbase.xlsx]


  • the ConceptCollection YAML will be created at [termbase.yaml] at the current working directory;

  • ConceptYAML files for each concept (each concept identified by a unique “Term-ID”) are created under the concepts/ directory (based on the current working directory). i.e. concepts/concept-338.yaml.


This program is created and maintained by Ribose (the ISO/TC 211 Registration Authority) in conjunction with the ISO/TC 211 Terminology Management Group (TMG).