TB Liquid

TB Liquid is a simple gem that helps manage liquid tags within your Twice Baked application. Specifically, TB Liquid provides reusable code to handle expiring content when a liquid tag has changed.

Use Case

Say you have a SpudPage object that contains your custom liquid tag called widget. The widget tag is based on your Widget data model. Any time a change is made to your data, you'll need to send a message to SpudPage asking it to re-process it's content. TB Liquid helps faciliate this.

Code Sample

In this example, :widget represents the liquid tag name and :name represents the model property used to fetch the liquid tag value. This can be any column or method on your model object.

class Widget < ActiveRecord::Base
  acts_as_spud_liquid_tag :widget, :name

class SpudPagePartial < ActiveRecord::Base
  def postprocess_content
    # handle liquid parsing here

How it Works

The acts_as_spud_liquid_tag method adds an after_update hook to your model. The hook does a few things.

  • Find any SpudLiquidTag object with matching tag name and value properties.
  • Call postprocess_content on any objects attached to any found tags.
  • That's it!

The key is that the model attached to SpudLiquidTag must implement a postprocess_content method. Look at the SpudPagePartial model in TB CMS for an example implementation.