Web Interface for Taskwarrior

A lightweight, Sinatra-based web interface for the wonderful Taskwarrior todo application.


gem install taskwarrior-web

This will install an executable called task-web


task-web at your terminal to start it up. This will start the process, background it, and open the URL in your browser.

It uses Vegas to make the Sinatra app into an executable, so all options for Vegas are valid for task-web. Type task-web -h for more options.


The current featureset includes:

  • Viewing tasks (duh) sorted and grouped in various ways.
  • Marking a pending task as done.
  • Creating a new task with a due date, project, and tags.
  • task-web will pull your task config (from .taskrc) and use it to determine date formatting and when an upcoming task should be marked as "due".

I'm looking to include more features once task supports issuing commands via UUID.

Known Issues

  • The "View as list"/"View as Grid" links do nothing right now. (They will soon).
  • There are occasionally pretty severe race conditions due to the way that task assigns IDs to tasks. This will no longer be the case when UUIDs are implemented in task.


This project is not developed by the Taskwarrior team. Obviously, taskwarrior-web extends Taskwarrior, but the projects are separate.