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Task provides a toolbox for generating, tracking and serializing tasks to be performed. It is NOT a job queuing framework, a la resque or qless, and does not provide ways to execute tasks in a distributed fashion. Rather, Task could be used with such a framework to provide "at-least-once" task execution guarantees, or to perform multiple, lightweight tasks within a single job.

An example task lifecycle could be follows:

  1. A task is generated by a task generator process
  2. The task is saved to a backing data store, recording that it has been generated and should be completed.
  3. The task is passed, in serialized format, directly from the generating process to another worker process or host to complete.
  4. The worker process begins working on the task, and:
    • The worker process completes the task, marking it as completed in the backing data store.


  • The worker process fails to complete the task.
  • A subsequent worker can fetch the task from the backing data store and attempts to complete it.

Task provides mechanisms creating tasks, saving and loading tasks from the backend datastore, and serializing tasks for transfer between processes or hosts. However, Task is not a framework, and each step in the lifecycle above would be implemented in application code.

Out of the box, Task uses Cassandra as the backing data store, but other backends could be implemented. Cassandra provides stronger durability guarantees than some other data stores (for example, Redis). Additionally, Cassandra prefers write-heavy workloads. In the workload described above, A task need only be read from the datastore if it fails to complete initially. In situations where most tasks complete on the first attempt, the majority of datastore operations will be writes. However, because Task does not enforce a usage pattern, this could be usage-dependent.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'task_rb', github: 'backupify/task'

And then execute:

$ bundle


Defining and Creating a Task

To define a task, mix in the Task module:

class FetchFile
  include Task::Task

  data_attr_reader :external_host
  data_attr_reader :filename

A task contains a set of data key-value pairs; The data_attr_reader helper provides accessors for various expected data fields, but is not required.

To build a task, we invoke the build method:

file_task = FetchFile.build(
  id: 'file1',
  task_list: 'datto.com',
  external_host: 'datto.com',
  filename: 'file1.txt')

Here, the task belongs to the 'datto.com' task list. The ID of the task should be unique across the task list (if one is not specified, a UUID will be used). Other provided fields just become part of the data of task; this is just syntactic sugar for:

file_task = FetchFile.new(
  id: 'file1',
  task_list: 'datto.com',
  data: { external_host: 'datto.com', filename: 'file1.txt' })

On the task object, the data_attr_readers allow access to data fields, so file_task.data[:external_host] and file_task.external_host are equivalent. This is just a convenience, and does not enforce any restrictions on which fields can and cannot be placed in the task data.

Saving and Loading Tasks from the Datastore

To save to the datastore:


If an existing task with the same task list and ID already exists within the backend store, it will be overwritten.

To fetch a particular task (by id) from the datastore:

file_task = Task::Task.find(task_list, id)

To fetch all tasks for a task list from the datastore:

tasks_enumerator = Task::Task.all(task_list)

Serializing and Deserializing Tasks

To serialize as a hash:

task_hash = my_task.as_hash

To deserialize a task hash to the task that was originally serialized:

my_task = Task::Task.from_hash(task_hash)

Task does not enforce a particular over the wire serialization format.

Configuring the Datastore

The datastore interface is backed by an adapter. Which adapter is used, and how it is constructed, is configurable, by specifying the adapter builder. The specified lambda function should take the options passed to the Interface#new method, and return the adapter instance:

Task::DataInterface::Interface.adapter_builder = ->(_options) do
  session = Cassandra.cluster(port: 1234, hosts: ['my_host']).connect('my_tasks')
  CassandraAdapter.new(client: Cassava::Client.new(session))

This example configures the CassandraAdapter to connect to Cassandra on port 1234 and host 'my_host', and to use the keyspace 'my_tasks'. Similarly, a completely separate adapter could be used.

Additionally, data interface instances can be constructed by passing in an adapter, allowing different adapters (or adapter configurations) to be used at once.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/backupify/task.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.