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These client libraries are created for Tanita Health Planet APIs.

refs: Health Planet API Doc (only Japanese)


There are a few setup steps you need to complete before you can use this library:

  1. If you don't already have a Health Planet account, sign up.
  2. If you have never created a developer application, read the API Settings page and be enable API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'tanita-api-client'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install tanita-api-client


Usage OAuth Helper

The library needs to be configured with your account's OAuth settings which is available in your Health Planet Api Settings page. Set client_id client_secret redirect_uri scopes to its value:

# OAuth configuration using configure method
Tanita::Api::Client.configure do |config|
  config.client_id = '<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>'
  config.client_secret = '<YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET>'
  config.redirect_uri = 'http://your-redirect-uri'
  config.scopes = [Tanita::Api::Client::Scope::INNERSCAN]
auth_helper = Tanita::Api::Client::Auth.new

# OAuth configuration using initializer
auth_helper = Tanita::Api::Client::Auth.new(
  client_id: '<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>',
  client_secret: '<YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET>',
  redirect_uri: 'http://your-redirect-uri',
  scopes: Tanita::Api::Client::Scope.all

Below is the sample get an authentication url and exchange access token from an authentication code.

# get Health Planet authentication url
=> "https://www.healthplanet.jp/oauth/auth?client_id=YOUR_ID&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%2Fcallback&scope=innerscan&response_type=code"

# get access token
token = auth_helper.exchange_token(auth_code: '<AUTHENTICATION_CODE>')
=> {:access_token=>"hoge_access_token", :expires_in=>12345678, :refresh_token=>"hoge_refresh_token"}

Usage Apis Client

The Api client needs access token. Set access_token to the value you got by above:

# using configure
Tanita::Api::Client.configure do |config|
  config.access_token = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>'
api = Tanita::Api::Client::Innerscan.new

# using initializer
api = Tanita::Api::Client::Innerscan.new(access_token: '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>')

# fetch innerscan data
result = api.status

# you can specify a period using params(from:, to:)
result = api.status(from: Date.current.ago(1.month), to: Date.current)

# list the body-weight data
result.items.each{|item| puts "#{Time.at(item.measured_at).strftime('%F %R')} => #{item.weight}" }
2019-10-10 08:09 => 66.7
2019-10-11 09:02 => 66.5
2019-10-13 08:22 => 66.7
2019-10-15 08:49 => 66.4
2019-10-17 07:52 => 67.0

# Result of Innerscan Api
result = Tanita::Api::Client::Innerscan.new.status
=> #<Tanita::Api::Client::Result:70199592389780 properties=birth_date,height,sex,items>
=> #<Tanita::Api::Client::InnerscanItem:70199597695880 properties=measured_at,registered_at,model,weight,body_fat,muscle_mass,physique_rating,visceral_fat_rating,basal_metabolic_rate,metabolic_age,bone_mass>
=> 66.7

# Result of Sphygmomanometer Api
result = Tanita::Api::Client::Sphygmomanometer.new.status
=> #<Tanita::Api::Client::SphygmomanometerItem:70199592475760 properties=measured_at,registered_at,model,maximal_pressure,minimal_pressure,pulse>

# Result of Pedometer Api
result = Tanita::Api::Client::Pedometer.new.status
=> #<Tanita::Api::Client::PedometerItem:70199605021160 properties=measured_at,registered_at,model,steps,exercise,calories>

# Result of Smug Api
result = Tanita::Api::Client::Smug.new.status
=> #<Tanita::Api::Client::SmugItem:70199600803680 properties=measured_at,registered_at,model,urinary_sugar>

# common attributes of Result class
result.birth_date # [Date]
result.height     # [Float] (centimeter)
result.sex        # [String] 'male' or 'female'


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Tanita::Api::Client project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.