license deploy project test project


takelage-cli is a command line interface to facilitate the takelage devops workflow. The takelage devops workflow helps devops engineers build, test and deploy os images.

The takelage-cli executable tau is a ruby command line script using the thor toolkit.

Framework Versions

App Artifact
takelage-doc License
takelage-var pypi,org

Framework Status

App Deploy project Test project Test roles
takelage-dev deploy project test project test roles
takelage-cli deploy project test project
takelage-var deploy project test project
takelage-bit deploy project test project test roles
takelage-img-takelslim deploy project
takelage-img-takelbase deploy project


tau is part of takelage-dev's docker image but you typically want to install it on the host system as well. Install the takelage gem and its dependencies through the gem command line tool:

gem install takelage


takelage-cli uses cucumber to system test its features. You are encouraged to read the cucumber feature files for the tau commands to get an idea of how the commands work. You can list the tau commands by running tau self list or tau list:

Command Description
tau bit check workspace Check if a bit workspace exists
tau bit clipboard copy [DIR] [SCOPE] Copy new [DIR] to [SCOPE]
tau bit clipboard paste [COMPONENT] [DIR] Paste bit [COMPONENT] into [DIR]
tau bit clipboard pull Pull all updates for bit components from bit remote scopes
tau bit clipboard push Push all updates of bit components to bit remote scopes
tau bit require export Show requirements file of bit components
tau bit require import Import bit components from requirements file
tau bit scope add [SCOPE] Add a bit [SCOPE]
tau bit scope ssh Log in to bit remote server
tau bit scope list List bit remote scopes
tau bit scope new [SCOPE] Init a new bit [SCOPE]
tau completion bash Print bash completion code
tau docker check daemon Check if docker daemon is running
tau docker container check existing [CONTAINER] Check if docker [CONTAINER] is existing
tau docker container check network [NETWORK] Check if docker [NETWORK] is existing
tau docker container check orphaned [CONTAINER] Check if docker [CONTAINER] is orphaned
tau docker container clean Remove all docker containers
tau docker container command [CMD] Run [CMD] in a docker container
tau docker container daemon Run docker container in daemon mode
tau docker container login Log in to latest local docker container
tau docker container prune Remove orphaned docker containers
tau docker image tag check [TAG] Check if local docker image [TAG] exists
tau docker image tag latest Print latest local docker image tag
tau docker image tag list Print local docker image tags
tau docker image update Get latest remote docker container
tau git check clean Check if the git workspace is clean
tau git check bit Check if we are on the git bit branch
tau git check workspace Check if a git workspace exists
tau info project active Print active project info
tau info project dir Print project root directory
tau info project main Print main project info
tau info project private Print private project info
tau info status bar Print status bar
tau info status git Check git status
tau info status gopass Check gopass status
tau info status gpg Check gpg status
tau info status mutagen Check mutagen status
tau info status ssh Check ssh status
tau init packer docker Initialize packer project for docker images
tau mutagen check daemon) Check if mutagen host conenction is available
tau mutagen socket check [SOCKET] Check if mutagen [SOCKET] exists
tau mutagen socket create [NAME] [IN] [OUT] Create a mutagen socket [NAME] from [IN] to [OUT] of the container
tau mutagen socket list List mutagen sockets
tau mutagen socket tidy Remove mutagen daemon files
tau mutagen socket terminate [SOCKET] Terminate a mutagen [SOCKET]
tau self config active Print active takelage configuration
tau self config default Print takelage default configuration
tau self config home Print takelage home config file configuration
tau self config project Print takelage project config file configuration
tau self list List all commands
tau self version Print tau semantic version number
tau clean Alias for tau docker container clean
tau config Alias for tau self config active
tau copy [DIR] [SCOPE] Alias for tau bit clipboard copy
tau list Alias for tau self list
tau login Alias for tau docker container login
tau paste [COMPONENT] [DIR] Alias for tau bit clipboard paste
tau project Alias for tau info project active
tau prune Alias for tau docker container prune
tau pull Alias for tau bit clipboard pull
tau push Alias for tau bit clipboard push
tau status Alias for tau docker info status bar
tau update Alias for tau docker image update
tau version Alias for tau self version

Warning: tau update will call docker image prune and remove all dangling images!


Configuration Files

takelage-cli uses three different YAML configuration files which have different precedences. They are merged to an active configuration during runtime which can be inspected with tau self config active or tau config.

Filename Precedence Description
default.yml lowest Shipped with takelage-cli. Sets defaults where applicable.
~/.takelage.yml normal User-wide configuration file in your home directory. This is your normal custom configuration file.
takelage.yml highest Project-specific configuration file next to your main Rakefile. Some projects need special configuration.

Please remember that a project directory is identified by the main Rakefile.

Configuration Examples

  • You should add the following configuration items in your ~/.takelage.yml if you want to use a private bit remote server:
bit_remote: 'ssh://[email protected]:222:/bit'
bit_ssh: 'ssh -p 222 [email protected]'
  • If you want to pin a specific docker tag for one of your projects then create an takelage.yml file with:
docker_tag: '1.2.3'
  • The cucumber tests make use of an ~/.takelage.yml to overwrite defaults like:
docker_repo: takelage-mock

Furthermore, every external command can be reconfigured.

Project Files

tau reads two different YAML project files which have different precedences. They are merged to an active configuration during runtime which can be inspected with tau info project active or tau project.

Default filename Config key Precedence Description
project.yml info_project_main normal Main project file.
private/project.yml info_project_private highest Private project file. Should be in .gitignore.

Bash Completion

Add this to your bash startup files:

source <(tau completion bash)

Software Tests

takelage-cli uses minitest unit tests.

takelage-cli ships with cucumber ruby system tests. It uses cucumber's aruba extension and especially its filesystem library.

takelage-cli deploys a private docker registry to conduct end-to-end tests of tau docker commands. The registry exposes port 5005. You need to whitelist it in your host's docker engine configuration:

  "insecure-registries": [

takelage-cli deploys a bitboard server created with takelage-bit to end-to-end test the tau bit commands.