
Utility to send OSX notifications while tailing one or more files for pattern matches.

Useful if you'd like to be notified when, eg, a log displays a deprecation or error notice during development.


$ gem install tailnudge



$ tailnudge help tail


Tail a log and look for lines that include "DEPRECATION" or "DEPRECATED", and play the "Tink" sound.

$ tailnudge log/development.log -p deprecat -t 'My App' -s Tink

Note that patterns are case-insensitive and that only one notification per pattern will be displayed at a time (to prevent inadvertent event flooding) unless you use the --all/-a option.

Notify Rails HTTP 200 request times, without throttling:

$ tailnudge log/development.log -a -p 'Completed 200 OK in (\d+m?s)' -t 'Requests'

Notify when HTTP 500 or 404 is encountered (but only show one 500/404 notication at a time; no -a option, and throttling is done per-pattern):

$ tailnudge log/development.log -p 'Completed 500' 'Completed 404' -t 'HTTP 404/500'

Notify when HTTP 5XX or 404 is encountered (but only show one 500 or 404 at a time; no -a option, and throttling is done per-pattern):

$ tailnudge log/development.log -p 'Completed [45]\d{2}' -t 'HTTP 4XX/5XX'


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request