
Watch and tail files in dirs with specified filename time based patterns and send them to norikra.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'tailf2norikra'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install tailf2norikra


$ tailf2norikra -h
Usage: tailf2norikra [options]
        --config PATH                Path to settings config
    -h, --help                       Display this screen


    - target: delivery
      prefix: /var/log/app/events
      suffix: ''
      time_pattern: ".%Y-%m-%d"
      max_batch_lines: 48
      timestamp_field: time
      prune_events_older_than: 10
  position_file: "/var/lib/app/tail2norikra.offsets"
  flush_interval: 1
  max_batch_lines: 1024
  from_begining: false
  delete_old_tailed_files: true
  host: localhost
  port: 6666
  send: true
  • norikra.host - Norkra server
  • norikra.port - Norikra port
  • tailf.position_file - file where to save tailed files offsets which were sent to norikra
  • tailf.flush_interval - how often in seconds to save the offsets to a file
  • tailf.max_batch_lines - max number of lines to batch in each send request
  • tailf.from_beggining - in case of a new file added to tailing , if to start tailing from beggining or end of the file
  • tailf.delete_old_tailed_files - if to delete files once their time_pattern does not match the current time window and if they have been fully sent to norikra
  • tailf.files - array of file configs for tail, each tailed file configs consists of:
    • target - which target to send the events to
    • prefix - the files prefix to watch for
    • time_pattern - ruby time pattern of files to tail
    • suffix - optional suffix of files to watch for so the tool will watch for files that match - prefix + time_pattern + suffix
    • max_batch_lines - max number of lines to batch in each send request just for this specific file pattern
    • timestamp field: field which comatains timestamp/date
    • prune_events_older_than: events with timestamp older than specified number of seconds will be ignored


  • The config is validated by schash gem
  • Tailed files are watched for changes by rb-notify gem
  • Dirnames of all files prefixes are watched for new files creation or files moved to the dir and are automaticaly added to tailing.
  • As well dirnames are watched for deletion or files being moved out of directory, and they are removed from the list of files watched for changing.
  • Based time_pattern, files are periodicaly autodeleted , thus avoiding need for log rotation tools.
  • Files are matched by converting time_pattern to a regexp


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request
  6. Go to 1