
Detaches what is logged from how it is logged.

What is it for?

Every time you want to log something, simply write:

logger.debug("verbose debug information") #warn, #info, #error, #fatal also works

and do not worry about what kind of logger you use and how your code accesses it. You may configure these things later, one day writing to STDOUT works for you, another day you'll need something more sophisticated, like several log files each serving different components and for different audience. Here I have described in more details why I created it.


$ gem install tagged_logger


After specifying some logging rules:

TaggedLogger.rules do
  info A, :to => Logger.new("log_for_A_class.log") #1 rule
  error /.*/, :to => Logger.new(ERROR)             #2 rule
  info /.*/, :to => Logger.new(STDOUT)             #3 rule

the following will happen:

  1. The #logger() method becomes available everywhere, so it is completely safe to have a code like:

    class A
      def foo
         logger.info("Something interesting happened in A#foo") #goes to STDOUT and to 'log_for_A_class.log' file
         logger.debug("I want to see some details.") #goes nowhere
    logger.error("#logger is available everywhere") #goes to STDERR
    class B
       logger.warn("#logger is available everywhere") #goes to STDOUT
  2. The A's logger.info() output will show up in two destinations:

- in STDOUT, as defined by rule #3

- in 'log_for_A_class.log' file, as defined by rule #1
  1. From wherever it gets called from:

    logger.error("ERROR") #will print 'ERROR' in standard error
    logger.info("INFO")  #will print 'INFO' in standard output
    logger.debug("DEBUG") #will not print anything, since there is no 'debug' rule

The #logger() returns some object having methods: #debug(), #info(), #warn(), #error() and #fatal(). These methods have generated on first #logger() call and contain only necessary code to meet rules. It means, for example, that if no rules defined all these methods do nothing. It is done for performance reasons, I like to log a lot and I do not want calls like #logger.debug() slowing down production code.

The simplest way to have a #logger() available everywhere without specifying any rules is:


No rules specified, therefore whenever you call logger.debug() (or alike) you actually paying for just an empty method execution. You may specify rules later, now you may stay focused on code you are writing.

You may define your own formatting:

TaggedLogger.rules do
  format {|level, tag, message| "#{level}-#{tag}: #{msg}"}

Each #format() call overrides previous format. If you are wondering what the heck the 'tag' is - the answer is simple. The tag is a class name whose method calls #logger(). This is what allows to specify rules for classes or namespaces and this is what the tagged_logger plugin is named after.

Lets see how you may use it. For example you want to have separate log files for classes Network and Database:

TaggedLogger.rules do
  debug Network, :to => Logger.new("network.log")
  debug Database, :to => Logger.new("database.log")

In case you want to define common log for several classes:

TaggedLogger.rules do
  debug [Ftp, Http, Sockets], :to => Logger.new("network.log")

Or if you want to have all these classes showing up under common tag Network in standard output:

TaggedLogger.rules do
  info /.*/, :to => Logger.new(STDOUT)
  rename [Ftp, Http, Sockets] => :Network

You may also use regular expressions in your rules:

TaggedLogger.rules do
  info /Active::/, :to => Logger.new("active.log")

There is more general form for rules, it accepts block with three params:

TaggedLogger.rules do
  info /Whatever/ do |level, tag, message|
    #do your special logging here

As previously explained the tag is a class name the #logger is being called from (except when you override Rails instrumentation, see below)

Integration with Rails (only Rails 3.0 supported at the moment, not completely tested):


$ gem install tagged_logger

Rails has two facility for logging - #logger method injected in base classes such in ActiveRecord::Base and instrumentation. Instrumentation is somewhat which allows to issue an event upon execution of block, for example:

def sendfile(path, options={})
  ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("sendfile.action_controller") do
    #do actual file send

The event "sendfile.action_controller" will be issued and one could subscribe to that event:

ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe("sendfile.action_controller") do
  #do something, for example log an event

Actually Rails subscribers - they are responsible for majority of logging in Rails. TaggedLogger allows you to override how those subscribers do actual logging, for example if you want to override it for ActionController:

# "#{Rails.root}/config/initializers/tagged_logger.rb"
TaggedLogger.rules(:override=>true) do
  debug "action_controller.instrumentation" do |level, tag, msg|
    puts "#{tag} {msg}" #msg formed by ActionController::LogSubscriber goes here, tag is 'action_controller.instrumentation'

If you like to have a special logging not only for ActionController, but rather for everything logged by Rails via instrumentation mechanism, you could use a rule with regular expression:

debug /.*\.instrumentation$/ do |level, tag, msg|
  #you special logging

Since #logger is defined by Rails for classes you inherits from (ActionController::Base, ActiveRecord::Base), you have to initialize TaggedLogger with

:override => true 

option since by default TaggedLogger is trying to be safe and does not override existing #logger method:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  def welcome
    logger.info "welcome..."

# "#{Rails.root}/config/initializers/tagged_logger.rb"
TaggedLogger.rules(:override=>true) do
  debug /.*Controller$/ do |level, tag, msg|
    puts "Here I dump whatever happens in controllers, including ApplicationController"


TaggedLogger is released under the MIT license.


The #info(), #debug(), #warn(), #error(), #fatal() rules when having form like :to => logger, the logger has to be an object of standard library Logger class.