
TabloConnect is a rails engine that connects to Tablo DVRs and provides listings of recordings as well as video export.


  • This is a rails engine. So, you'll need to add it an existing or new rails project.
  • ffmpeg is required for copying and combining video segments from the tablo to your local machine.


Add to your Gemfile:

gem 'tablo_connect'

Add an initializer file in your rails project (tablo_connect.rb) with the following:

TabloConnect.setup do |config|
  config.tablo_ip = ''
  config.tablo_port = '18080'
  config.ffmpeg_path = '/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg'
  config.output_directory = '/path/to/download/directory'

Install the migrations

bundle exec rake tablo_connect:install:migrations

Run the migrations

bundle exec rake db:migrate

Start the server:

bundle exec rails s

View in your browser:


Upcoming Features

  • Automate stripping commercials using comskip and MEncoder


When submitting pull requests, please include rspecs and karma unit tests for any new code. Please do not submit pull requests until rspecs and karma unit tests are all green.