Table Differ

Snapshot database tables, restore them, and compute the differences between two snapshots.

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The usual, add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'table_differ'


To follow this, replace Attachment with any model from your own application. Once you restore the snapshot, your database should appear unchanged.

snapshot = Attachment.create_snapshot
Attachment.first.update_attributes!(name: 'newname')    # make a change
#     or run rake db:migrate, Attachment.delete_all, or anything.

# compute the changes
added,removed,changed = Attachment.diff_snapshot(snapshot)
  => [[], [], [<Attachment 1>]]

# and we're right back where we started


Include TableDiffer in models that will be snapshotted:

class Attachment  < ActiveRecord::Base
  include TableDiffer

Create Snapshot

Property.create_snapshot 'import_0012'

If you don't specify a name then one will be specified for you. Whatever naming scheme you use, the names should sort alphabetically. Otherwise some Table Differ functions won't be able to default to the most recent snapshot.

List Snapshots

=> ['property_import_0011', 'property_import_0012']

Restore Snapshot

Property.restore_snapshot 'import_0012'

Delete Snapshots

Property.delete_snapshot  'import_0012'

Or multiple snapshots:

Property.delete_snapshots  ['import_01', 'import_02']
Property.delete_snapshots  # deletes all Property snapshots

# more complex: delete all snapshots more than one week old
week_old_name = Property.snapshot_name(1.week.ago)
Property.delete_snapshots { |name| name < week_old_name }

Compute Differences

Now, to retrieve a list of the differences, call diff_snapshot:

added,removed,changed = Attachment.diff_snapshot      # compute the change
  => [[], [], [<Attachment 1>]]
changed.first.original_attributes    # returns original value for each field
  => {"name" => 'oldname'}

This computes the difference between the current table and the most recent snapshot (determined alphabetically). Each value is an array of ActiveRecord objects. added contains the records that have been added since the snapshot was taken, removed contains the records that were removed, and changed contains records where, of course, one or more of their columns have changed. Table Differ doesn't follow foreign keys for that would be madness. If you want to discover changes in related tables, you'll need to snapshot and diff them one by one.

Records in added and changed are regular ActiveRecord objects -- you can modify their attributes and save them. Records in removed, however, aren't backed by a database object (obviously) and should be treated read-only.

Changed records include a hash of the original attributes before the change was made. For example, if you changed the name column from 'Nexus' to 'Nexii':

=> { 'id' => 1, 'name' => 'Nexus' }
=> { 'id' => 1, 'name' => 'Nexii' }

Single-Table Inheritance (STI) appears to work correctly (TODO: add this to tests!)

Columns to Ignore

By default, every column will be considered in the diff. You can pass columns to ignore like this:

Property.diff_snapshot ignore: %w[ id created_at updated_at ]

Note that if you ignore the primary key, Table Differ can no longer compute which columns have changed. This is no problem, but changed records will appear as a remove followed by an add. The changed array will always be empty.

added,removed = Attachment.diff_snapshot(ignore: 'id')

If there are other fields that uniquely identify the records, you can specify them in the unique_by option. This will cause changes to be computed, and the ActiveRecord objects returned are complete with IDs. This requires one database lookup per returned object, however so, if your results are large, this might not be a good idea.

# Normally ingoring the ID prevents diff from being able to compute the changed records.
# If we can use one or more fields to uniquely identify the object,
# then changesets can be computed and full ActiveRecord objects will be returned.
added,removed,changed = Contact.diff_snapshot(ignore: 'id', unique_by: [:property_id, :contact_id])

Also, if you ignore the ID, you won't be able to update or save any models directly. You must copy the attributes to another model, one that was loaded from the database normally and still knows its ID.

Specifying the Snapshot

You can name the tables you want to diff explicitly:

add,del,ch = Property.diff_snapshot(old: 'import_0012')   # differences between the named snapshot and the table
add,del,ch = Property.diff_snapshot('cc', 'cd')           # differences between the snapshots named cc and cd


Table Differ creates a full copy of the table whenever Snapshot is called. If your table is large enough that it would cause problems if it suddenly doubled in size, then this is not the gem for you.

Table Differ creates and restores snapshots with a single CREATE/SELECT statement, and it diffs the tables 100% server-side using two SELECTs. It should be fast enough.

It doesn't touch indicies.


  • Stellar appears to do the same thing, written in Python.


Send issues and pull requests to Table Differ's Github.