
Easily set up the T3 JavaScript framework within your Rails 4+ application.

This gem includes the T3 assets (including the T3 testing bundle), along with generators for setting up application structure and for creating modules, services, and behaviors.

Note: this gem is currently in development and as such has not been thoroughly tested in the wild. Testing and improvements (particularly regarding older versions of Ruby/Rails) are welcome!

Getting Started

Add the gem to your application Gemfile:

gem 't3-rails'

Run bundle install, then generate the application structure:

rails g t3:bootstrap

Initialize your T3 app by calling Box.Application.init(). As the T3 docs suggest, you may want to call init():

  • Inline at the bottom of the page
  • In a window.onload event handler
  • In a DOMContentLoaded event handler

For example to initialize on DOM ready and on page load (a Turbolinks event), you may want to include the following:

(function() {
  var init = function() { Box.Application.init(); };
  $(document).ready(init).on('page:load', init);



rails g t3:bootstrap

Sets up modules, services, and behaviors directories in app/assets/javascripts. Injects require statements in application.js for including the t3.js and the component directories.


rails g t3:module name

Creates a new module in the modules directory.


rails g t3:service name

Creates a new service in the services directory.


rails g t3:behavior name

Creates a new behavior in the behaviors directory.

t3-rails is copyright © 2015 Dom Christie and released under the MIT license. T3 is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.