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Synvert = syntax + convert, makes it easy to convert ruby code automatically.

Synvert is tested against MRI 1.9.3, 2.0.0 and 2.1.1.

Synvert is composed by synvert-core and synvert-snippets.

synvert-core provides a dsl to convert ruby code.

synvert-snippets lists all snippets to convert ruby code based on synvert-core.


Install it using rubygems

$ gem install synvert


$ synvert -h
Usage: synvert [project_path]
    -d, --load SNIPPET_PATHS         load custom snippets, snippet paths can be local file path or remote http url
    -l, --list                       list all available snippets
    -q, --query QUERY                query specified snippets
        --skip FILE_PATTERNS         skip specified files or directories, separated by comma, e.g. app/models/post.rb,vendor/plugins/**/*.rb
    -s, --show SNIPPET_NAME          show specified snippet description
        --sync                       sync snippets
    -r, --run SNIPPET_NAMES          run specified snippets
    -v, --version                    show this version


$ synvert --sync
$ synvert -r factory_girl/use_short_syntax,rails/upgrade_3_2_to_4_0 ~/Sites/railsbp/



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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request