
The SiwsstopoReframe Rubygem provides a simple client for the Swisstopo Reframe REST API.

The basic idea behind this client is to provide a tiny DSL for converting coordinates into different coordinate systems.

The following conversions are possible:

  • CH1903 <=> CH1903+ / (LV03 <=> LV95)
  • WGS84 <=> CH1903 / (WGS84 <=> LV03)
  • WGS84 <=> CH1903+ / (WGS84 <=> LV95)


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'swisstopo_reframe'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install swisstopo_reframe


To convert a point from a coordinate system A into a coordinate system B we need to know the following facts:

  • What kind of point is given?
  • What kind of point do I need?
  • What's the value of the northing component?
  • What's the value of the easting component?
  • What's the value of the altitude component? (Optional)

So here is an example how we can convert a WGS84 point (gps) to a CH1903 point:

result = SwisstopoReframe.reframe do
    northing 46.951082877
    easting 7.438632495
    altitude 550 # is optional
    given :wgs84
    need :ch1903
p result #=> {:easting=>"599999.9998992428", :northing=>"199999.9999671315", :altitude=>"500.37780122086406"} 

And here is an example to convert a CH1903 point to a WGS84 point:

result = SwisstopoReframe.reframe do
    northing 200_000
    easting 600_000
    altitude 550 # is optional
    given :ch1903 
    need :wgs84
p result #=>  {:easting=>"7.438632502714565", :northing=>"46.95108288705891", :altitude=>"599.6221912624314"}

Other valid options for given and need are:

  • given

    • :wgs84
    • :ch1903
    • :'ch1903+'
  • need

    • :wgs84
    • :ch1903
    • :'ch1903+'


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/swisstopo_reframe/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request