
A simple gem with sneaky commands!

If you're tired of having to type out long commands excessively, then meet swissknife! The whole purpose of the project is to provide a slew of shortened and simple commands to help developers.

Adding a command

To create a new command, start by opening up the swissknife.rb file in lib, and create a new definition in the Util class, like this:

# lib/swissknife.rb

# put any helper functions in the SwissKnife module, but not in the Util class

# class Util
def hello
  puts 'Hello World!'

Next, create a new file without an extension with the name of your command. Having it match the name of the definition you created earlier is recommended. For my example, it would be hello. Finally, all that's needed is to add a shebang, require for the module, and method initialization, as follows:

# bin/hello

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'swissknife'

Available commands

Command Description
c Clears the console screen (puts the cursor on the bottom for easy console browsing)
clean Removes some of the junk we all encounter, such as the .DS_Store
delete (Alias for r)
erase (Alias for r)
ga Basically just like git add, but with the added advantage of having the -A option when no files are specified
gb Creates a new Git branch or switches to an exsisting one
gc Either clones a repo or commits some content; having .git inside the input determines whether or not to clone
gp The equivalent of git push
install A sleek command that can install Homebrew and/or RVM (installs the latest Ruby version alongside it)
move Moves a file or directory from one place to another!
pack Bundles a Ruby project's dependencies to vendor/bundle
r Deletes a file or directory
remove (Alias for r)
x Exits a console


  1. Fork it
  2. Add or remove some stuff
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am "My awesome change!")
  4. Create a new pull request!