Elastic Enterprise Search Logo

⚠️ This client is deprecated ⚠️

swiftype-enterprise has been replaced by elastic-enterprise-search. Thank you! - Elastic

A first-party Ruby client for Elastic Enterprise Search.


Getting started 🐣

To install the gem, execute:

gem install swiftype-enterprise

Or place gem 'swiftype-enterprise', '~> 1.0.0 in your Gemfile and run bundle install.


Create a new instance of the Swiftype Enterprise Client with your access token:

SwiftypeEnterprise.access_token = '' # your access token
swiftype = SwiftypeEnterprise::Client.new

Change API endpoint

swiftype = SwiftypeEnterprise::Client.new
SwiftypeEnterprise.endpoint = 'https://your-server.example.com/api/v1'

Indexing Documents

This example shows how to use the index_documents method:

content_source_key = '' # your content source key
documents = [
    'id' => 'INscMGmhmX4',
    'url' => 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1uyQZNg2vE',
    'title' => 'The Original Grumpy Cat',
    'body' => 'this is a test'
    'id' => 'JNDFojsd02',
    'url' => 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsdfhk2j',
    'title' => 'Another Grumpy Cat',
    'body' => 'this is also a test'

  document_receipts = swiftype.index_documents(content_source_key, documents)
  # handle results
rescue SwiftypeEnterprise::ClientException => e
  # handle error

Destroying Documents

content_source_key = '' # your content source key
document_ids = ['INscMGmhmX4', 'JNDFojsd02']

  destroy_document_results = swiftype.destroy_documents(content_source_key, document_ids)
  # handle destroy document results
rescue SwiftypeEnterprise::ClientException => e
  # handle error

Running tests

Run tests via rspec:

$ ENDPOINT=http://localhost:3002/api/v1 bundle exec rspec


Where do I report issues with the client?

If something is not working as expected, please open an issue.

Contribute 🚀

We welcome contributors to the project. Before you begin, a couple notes...

License 📗

MIT © Elastic

Thank you to all the contributors!