SWIFT ingest Ruby gem

Ruby gem for storing files in swift openstack storage

Ruby Swift Ingest gem Diagram


Swift_Ingest supports Ruby 2.3.1+


Swift_Ingest is hosted on rubygems.org. Therefore it can be installed via:

  gem install swift_ingest


This gem in indented to be used from other ruby programs. Typical usage involves creating new SwiftIngest object

  swift_depositer = SwiftIngest::Ingestor.new(username: 'user',
                                              password: 'secret',
                                              tenant: 'test',
                                              auth_url: 'http://www.example.com:8080/auth/v1.0',
                                              project: 'MYPROJ')

then using newly created oject to deposit object into swift repository:

  swift_depositer.deposit_file(myfile_file, 'MY_CONTAINER')


To run the test suite:

  bundle install
  bundle exec rake

This will run both rspec and rubocop together.

To run rspec by itself:

  bundle exec rspec

To run rubocop by itself:

  bundle exec rubocop