
Create SVG sprites by embedding images into CSS using data URIs. The SVGs are optimized using svg_optimizer.


$ gem install svg_sprite


Sass support

To create a sprite:

$ svg_sprite -s images/icons -o styles/_icons.scss -n icons

Let's say the images/icons directory has a file called user.svg. The command above will create some mixins and placeholders.

// this variable holds all image names

// this placeholder sets a background image

// this mixin will set the background image on the element's `:before` pseudo-element.
@include icons-before("user");

// this mixin will set the background image on the element's `:after` pseudo-element.
@include icons-after("user");

When using SCSS, the generated stylesheet will have a variable with a list of all images inside the generated sprite, so you can hack own your own on top of that.

@each $image in $icons-names {
  .my-class-for-#{$image} {
    @extend %icons-#{$image};

CSS support

To create a sprite:

$ svg_sprite -s images/icons -o styles/_icons.css -n icons

Let's say the images/icons directory has a file called user.svg. The command above will create some classes.

// this class will set the background image on the element.

// this class will set the background image on the element's `:before` pseudo-element.

// this mixin will set the background image on the element's `:after` pseudo-element.

Programming API

To generate the sprite without saving the file:

require "svg_sprite"
rendered_css = SvgSprite.create({
  source: "./images/icons",
  format: "scss",
  name: "icons"

To save the sprite content to a file:

require "svg_sprite"
rendered_css = SvgSprite.export({
  source: "./images/icons",
  output: "./styles/_icons.scss",
  format: "scss",
  name: "icons"

Adding new formats

First, register your template renderer. The assigned object should respond to call(source, options).

# `source` is SvgSprite::Source, which wraps all SVG files.
# Each item returned by `source` is a SvgSprite::SVG instance.
SvgSprite::TEMPLATES["custom"] = proc do |source, options|
  content ="\n")
  "/*\nImage names:\n#{content}\n*/"

Then you can generate the sprite like the following:

rendered_css = SvgSprite.create({
  source: "./examples",
  format: "custom",
  name: "icons"
#=> /*
#=> Image names:
#=> blue-square
#=> orange-square
#=> green-square
#=> yellow-square
#=> */

See what's available in SvgSprite::SVG class.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.