svg2slides - generates slides from layered SVG drawings

svg2slides reads SVG drawings that have layers and produces as output one SVG per layer. The output SVG file for each layer has that layer and all the layers below it, i.e. the layers above the current layer are removed from the drawing. This is useful to generate sequences of slides, where slide N is composed of layers 1, 2, …, N of the original drawing.


svg2slides [OPTION] … FILE [ FILE …]


–help, -h:

Displays help

–version, -v:

Displays version information and exits.

–suffix SUFFIX

The suffix used for output filenames. Default: '-%03d'. This suffix will be
expanded as a printf(3) format string with the index of the given slide as
argument, and will be inserted between the basename of the input file and
the .svg extension to form the output file names.

Examples (assuming "file.svg" as an input file with 2 layers):

| Suffix | Output file names          |
| -%03d  | file-001.svg, file-002.svg |
| _%d    | file_1.svg, file_2.svg     |


Included in the package you’ll find a Makefile snippet that you can include in your own Makefile’s to build slides from your SVG drawings. To do that, you must declare the SVG2SLIDES_INPUT variable and after that include the snippet:

SVG2SLIDES_INPUT = drawing1.svg drawing2.svg
include /usr/share/svg2slides/

This Makefile will build the slides in both drawing1.svg and drawing2.svg.

The you can make your own targets depend on $(SVG2SLIDES_SLIDES), which will contain a list of all slides that will be generated from the files you listed in the SVG2SLIDES_INPUT variable.

A ‘clean` target will be available automatically, so `make clean` will delete the slides generated from your input files. If you need to add your own `clean` target, make sure you do so with two colons (“clean::”).

The Makefile snippet will be installed normally in /usr/share/svg2slides/, but depending on your operating system it may be in another place. It’s intended to be used with GNU make.


Antonio Terceiro <[email protected]>


Copyright © 2009 Antonio Terceiro

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.