Quick Start

After Installation of Susanoo head to you terminal to create a new project:

$ susanoo new example_project

Above command will ask you a few questions about your new project and download couple of files and the generate the new project for you.

Note: You have to know about Apache Cordova basic usage to continue.

ok now you have a Susanoo hello world application.

How can I run my new app ?

Running a Susanoo application is easy too but you have to learn a little about the running process. In order to run you application you have to build it first (of caurse susanoo will do it automatically but it's a good idea to know about these stuff).

Your code live at src/ by default but cordova except a www/ directory in your project, so by using:

$ susanoo build

You can compile your assets and ruby code to a static application (which cordova excepts) and put them in www/ directory. There is an other command which allows you to run the built result:

$ susanoo run PLATFORM

will run the built resulted in given PLATFORM (NOTE: run will also run the build command too). Bear in mind that YOU HAVE TO ALREADY INSTALLED YOU PLATFORM SDK BEFORE so run command can find your SDK and run the project using that SDK.

For example to run the application under Android platform you have to connect an android device or use some emulators like genymotion.