
Survey Rails 4 engine


Add to Gemfile and bundle :

gem 'surveillance', github: 'vala/surveillance'

Execute install generator :

rails generate surveillance:install


  • Configure with generated initializer
  • Access admin at : /<mount_path>/admin/surveys
  • Access surveys at : /<mount_path>/surveys
  • Require the javascript lib in your application.js : //= require surveillance

Overriding models or controllers

If you need to override a class from the system, e.g. adding a validation or method to a model, a before_action to a controller or something like that, you can use the "decorators" approach the following way :

  1. Create a file with the name of the desired class under lib/decorators/surveillance/, e.g. lib/decorators/surveillance/attempt.rb
  2. Use .class_eval to reopen the class and modify it. e.g. ruby # lib/decorators/surveillance/attempt.rb Surveillance::Attemp.class_eval do def foo puts 'bar' end end