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Superbolt is an easy intra-app communication system for sending messages between applications. It is backed by RabbitMQ and under the covers it uses both the Bunny gem and the AMQP gem.

Why not just use those gems?

RabbitMQ is hard. Even though it is a messaging queue, by name, a developer can't pick up one of these great gems and treat the queue like a queue. There is great ceremony in the process. In fact, it is quite easy to pass in the wrong queue arguments, or leave a connection open.

Superbolt takes the ceremony away and let's developers focus on what is important: reading and sending messages.

How does it make it easier?

Superbolt has two main components: a queue and an app.

The queue object acts like a queue. The queue can push, pop and peek. The queue is able to spit out all or a subset of the messages on the queue. It can clear itself. In short it makes inline operations doable.

The app on the other hand is long running process that takes over the thread. It continually reads from a single queue until it recieves a signal shutting it down. It is smart; it is capable of sending exception notifications exceptions in message processing to Airbrake. It also listens on a separate quit queue for a graceful shutdown. A graceful shutdown means no messages are lost.

Simple because there are less RabbitMQ capabilities

Superbolt makes intra-app communication easier via reducing the types of things that can be done in RabbitMQ. While Superbolt was made to address typical messaging patterns like RPC and work queues, it cuts out RabbitMQ features like exclusive binding, and uses the library itself, and conventions to make sure the right application gets the right message. If all the features of RabbitMQ are needed, then using Superbolt is not appropriate ... hop along.


While Superbolt makes it possible to listen on any queue name as an application, or interact with any queue name as an enumerable-ish queue, it gets its real power from conventions.

Messages are JSON. Developers can do it differently, but the gains of ease will be lost.

By convention each application has a name. The name is used along with the application environment in order to communicate. The environment means that test and development messages don't get lumped together. The application name means that each application has to employ some filtering to figure out what end process should handle the messages.

Per application filtering, is made very easy by Superbolt's message conventions. A Superbolt message has three keys:

  1. origin: the origin application
  2. event: some identifier/sort key for the message type, will be 'default' by default.
  3. arguments: additional data to be passed on to the handling process

Developer's can create a message without having to think to much about these concerns:

Superbolt.app_name = 'me''over_there').send!({just: 'do it!'})

=> {
  origin: 'me',
  event: 'default',
  arguments: {
    just: 'do it!'

Usage (more)


Superbolt.config = {
  app_name: 'my_app', # no default
  env: 'staging', # looks to env for information
  connection_params: {
    # can use anything RabbitMQ speaks here
    host: ''
  } # defaults to what is set in the ENV or localhost

Connection Configuration

Out of the box Superbolt will look to the ENV to see if there is a connection key, RABBITMQ_URL. Developers can customize the connection key that is used. Actual connection params that RabbitMQ Bunny/AMQP use can also be passed in as above. If a connection key is not found in the ENV, localhost will be used. If the application uses these typical conventions, then no connection configuration is required.

App Name

The application name/identifier is an important default to setup in order to get all the goodness of related to messaging and its conventions.

If no app name is set up, a littlem or work is required to send a message:

  .send!({just: 'do it!'})

Without the #from call, the message will be sent without an origin. In our experience it is typical to process messages differently depending on the sender. Of course, that information can be encoded into the event name, but it is pretty easy to configure an application name so event filtering is easier for the consuming application.

Superbolt.app_name = 'my_great_app'
# - or -
Superbolt.config = {
  app_name = 'my_great_app'

Sending messages

Superbolt doesn't want to developers worrying about exchanges, durability or connection ceremony. Developers should be able to just send a message. The ease of that sending depends on whether developers are sticking with the Superbolt conventions or not.

The easiest way to message

The easiest way is to use the Superbolt level helper for sending a message:

  .send!('On yellow brick road; has friends!')

This message can be received on a queue 'wicked_witch_staging', given that the environment is 'staging'. When it is popped off it will look like this:

  origin: 'my_configured_app_name',
  event: 'dorothy',
  arguments: 'On yellow brick road; has friends!'

A more customizable messaging experience

Messages can also be sent via Superbolt::Queue objects. In this case the message can be anything and the queue name is exactly what is passed in.

queue ='dorothy')
queue.push({demand: 'Surrender!'})
=> {
  'demand' => 'Surrender!'

Reading messages

Messages can be read inline or via a standalone app.

Reading Inline

Reading messages inline is easy and to the point. The Superbolt::Queue object tries to act queue-like instead of like a hard to use external service.

Popping messages off the queue will remove the message from the queue immediately. If something goes wrong with eth message processing, it is the responsibility of the consuming application to figure out what to do.

message = queue.pop # This removes the message permanently

Messages can be read in non-destructive ways as well.

message = queue.peek
# Ponder or process message.
# It is still hanging out at the top of the queue.
# It can be deleted with a pop,
# provided another consumer hasn't already deleted it!

Because of asynchronicity issues with job processing across several apps or workers, the best usage for non-destructive inline reads is debugging and information gathering.

queue.all # return all the messages on the queue

# remove messages meeting the block criteria
queue.delete {|m| m['level'] == 'not_important' }

# peek at messages in a certain range
queue.slice(2, 4)

# get a certain message, non-destructively

Reading via a Standalone App

Reading messages inline is useful, but in general an application wants to read continuously for the latest and greatest intra-app communications.'dorothy_inbox').run do |message, logger|

Exceptions raised in the processing block will not exit the Superbolt app. Errors will be logged and the notification will be sent to the error notifier (none by default, can be airbrake) with information about the exception raised.

Error reporting

Superbolt::App can hook into Airbrake by your command:

Superbolt.error_notifier = :airbrake'dorothy_inbox') do

Note that Superbolt does not have the Airbrake gem amongst it's dependencies, so it is up to you to add it to your project.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'superbolt'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install superbolt


  • Easy filtering/delegation of messages to classes
  • Failed messages are put on another queue so that the app is not in a failure loop.
  • In code YARD stye documentation
  • CodeClimate
  • TravisCI continuout integration


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request