
Suitcase is a Ruby library that utilizes the EAN ( API for locating available hotels, rental cars, and flights.


Add the following line to your Gemfile:

gem 'suitcase', :git => "" then run bundle install. Or install the gem: gem install suitcase.


First, include the module in your code:

  include Suitcase

Find nearby hotels:

  Hotel::API_KEY = "your_api_key_here"
  hotel = Hotel.find(:location => 'Boston, MA', :results => 10) # Returns 10 closest hotels to Boston, MA
  room = hotel.rooms(arrival: "2/19/2012", departure: "2/26/2012", rooms: [{ children: 1, ages: [8] }, { children: 1, ages: [12] }] # Check the availability of two rooms at that hotel with 1 child in each room of ages 8 and 9
  room.reserve!(info) # Not yet implemented


Please submit any useful pull requests through GitHub. If you find any bugs, please report them with the issue tracker! Thanks.