Exception: ForwardingAlreadySubscribedError

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Mailing lists are what make Sugoi-Mail go. Which makes sense, I suppose, since Sugoi-Mail is a mailing list manager.

A Mailing List has the following structure:

(from the schema)

name: The name of the mailing list. This will

become the local part of the list's email

The description of the mailing list. This go into the “real name” portion of the mailing list’s email address listed in the “From:” header in messages that are sent out to subscribers.


The Sugoi-Mail user who owns and manages the mailing list–this is a User object. The domain of the mailing list is the domain that the user is a member of.


The kind of mailing list that this is. This is a MailinglistClass object.


The message that is sent out to a new member when a subscription is received. This is an AdminMessage object.


The message that is sent out to a new member when the subscription confirmation message is confirmed. This is also an AdminMessage object.


The final AdminMessage object (as of the moment anyway–couriermlm mailing lists have many more administrative messages, and I suspect I may have to implement all those at some point). This is the message that is sent out to a subscriber when she unsubscribes from the mailing list.