
Creating an application

Generate base Rails install

rails new my_app

Add gems to Gemfile

gem 'blacklight'
gem 'hydra-head'
gem 'sufia'
gem 'jettywrapper'

Then bundle install

Run the blacklight, hydra and sufia generators

rails g blacklight --devise
rails g hydra:head -f
rails g sufia -f

Run the migrations

rake db:migrate

If you want to use the assets that ship with Sufia...

add the following to application.css

 *= require sufia

You'll want to ensure you're not loading the blacklight.css, so remove this line *= require_tree .

Add the following to application.js

//= require sufia

Start background workers

COUNT=4 QUEUE=* rake environment resque:work

See for more options

If you want to enable transcoding of video

Installing ffmpeg on a mac

Use homebrew:

brew install ffmpeg --with-libvpx --with-libvorbis


This information is for people who want to modify the engine itself, not an application that uses the engine:

Create fixtures

# start jetty
git submodule init && git submodule update
rake jetty:config
rake jetty:start

# load sufia fixtures
rake sufia:fixtures:create sufia:fixtures:generate
rake fixtures

# run the tests
rake clean spec
bundle exec cucumber fixtures