__                                            __
    /    )          /          ,        /           /
     \     /   /  /   ) /    /   /    /   /___)   /    /
_(____/___(___(__(___/_(_ __/___(_ __/___(___ _ _/_ __(_ __

Gem Version Build Status Dependency Status

Ruby tool to download, create, convert and fix subtitles.


  • Automatic Download on the terminal
  • To and from: SRT, SUB, XML(TT), YML, MPL2, RSB and ASS.
  • Fixes delays. (SrtResync)
  • Compatibility with "sube" (http://github.com/vic/sube)
  • Detects and converts any encoding to UTF-8


Download subtitle:

subtitle_it Cool-Video.avi

This will search all languages for the video.

Found 88 results:

   1.    Finnish | SRT | Movie / 2015 | 0.0 | FPS 23.976 | 2015-05-18
   2.    English | SRT | Movie / 2015 | 0.0 | FPS 23.976 | 2015-05-18
   3.   Romanian | SRT | Movie / 2015 | 0.0 | FPS 23.976 | 2015-05-18
   4.     Polish | SRT | Movie / 2015 | 0.0 | FPS 23.976 | 2015-05-18
   5.    Italian | SRT | Movie / 2015 | 0.0 | FPS 23.976 | 2015-05-18
   6.  Portugues | SRT | Movie / 2015 | 0.0 | FPS 23.976 | 2015-05-18
   7.  Bulgarian | SRT | Movie / 2015 | 0.0 | FPS 0.000  | 2015-05-18
   8.   Romanian | SRT | Movie / 2015 | 0.0 | FPS 25.000 | 2015-05-18
   9.   Japanese | SRT | Movie / 2015 | 0.0 | FPS 23.976 | 2015-05-18

You can choose multiple ones separated with spaces: 1 3 5
Or a range separated with a hifen: 3-5
Choose (1..88): _

You can filter by language:

subtitle_it -l Eng Cool-Video.avi

You can use -c option. It convert subtitles to given format:

subtitle_it -l Eng -c srt Cool-Video.avi

Bash tool

Convert a srt to sub:

subtitle_it in.srt out.sub


subtitle_it -c sub in.srt

Add a delay of 1 minute:

subtitle_it -d 60 in.srt

Create a template

subtitle_it unexistent.file


gem install subtitle_it

The "Ruby Subtitle" Format - RSB

It`s just a easy way, proof of concept to edit subtitles. Here is what it looks like:

00:32 => 00:33 == Nice police work! | Thank you!
00:35 => 3 == Nice job!


Create a template to check it out.

Automatic Download

  • OpenSubtitles.org - WORK SubtitleIt Agent
  • addic7ed.com - gem install addic7ed
  • legendas.tv - EVIL NOAPI

*NOAPI = Mechanize playground...


To run tests:

rake spec or autotest

Documentation => doc Subtitle examples => spec/fixtures


Series: https://github.com/michaelbaudino/addic7ed-ruby


Try those nice editors too, if SubtitleIt does not fit your need:

Jubler: http://www.jubler.org/

Aegisub: http://www.malakith.net/aegiwiki/Main_Page


  • Johanlunds - Opensubtitle.org code (to be used as a gem soon).
  • Marcin (tiraeth) Chwedziak - Sub format first implementation.


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