
A yet another Ruby library for string inflection.


  • No more Active Support in your Gemfiles/gemspecs only for inflection.
  • A clean way - the Ruby's refinement.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'string_inflection'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install string_inflection


require "string_inflection"
using StringInflection

'foo bar'.to_camel # 'fooBar'
'foo bar'.to_kebab # 'foo-bar'
'foo bar'.to_pascal # 'FooBar'
'foo bar'.to_snake # 'foo_bar'
'data'.to_singular # 'datum'
'child'.to_plural # 'children'

Refinement Modules

For performance improvement, the inflection methods are separated into several modules. Use ones of the modules as needed.

module methods
StringInflection::Cases to_camel, to_kebab, to_pascal, to_snake
StringInflection::Singular to_singular
StringInflection::Plural to_plural
StringInflection all the methods

Special Thanks

Automatically Generated Inflection Database (AGID)

The handy database by Kevin Atkinson and other authors is significantly useful to generate irregular singular/plural forms. You can see the license in README.


mosop - creator, maintainer