
ruby-string-crypt is a backwards compatible implementation of String#crypt for Ruby, so that the core String#crypt can be deprecated and later removed.

String#crypt calls crypt(3) or crypt_r(3) for operating system-specific password hashing. In cases where neither crypt(3) nor crypt_r(3) is available, a DES-crypt implementation is used. DES-crypt should be considered insecure, and users are strongly recommended to switch to a secure password hashing library such as bcrypt, scrypt, or argon2.


# Generate new password hash.
# Salt is an operating system specific string.
password_hash = "password".crypt(salt)

# Check for matching password hash.
# This is insecure as it is vulnerable to a timing attack.
"password".crypt(password_hash) == password_hash

# More secure method of checking for matching password hash
Rack::Utils.secure_compare(password_hash, "password".crypt(password_hash))

Installing the gem

gem install string-crypt

If you want to have the library skip using crypt(3) or crypt_r(3) and force the internal DES-crypt implementation:

STRING_CRYPT_FORCE_MISSING=1 gem install string-crypt

Running the tests

In the repository:

rake test

This requires rake-compiler to compile the library, and minitest for testing.

Reporting issues/bugs

ruby-string-crypt uses GitHub Issues for tracking issues/bugs:


The source code is on GitHub:

To get a copy:

git clone git://

Platforms Supported

Ruby 2.1+ is supported. This library does not currently offer support for JRuby.


Jeremy Evans <[email protected]>