
Read the TV and Movies you don't have time to watch.



Storyboard is very much a work in progress, and only works (most of) some of the time. Using it is simple:

storyboard /path/to/video-file.mkv

Storyboard will try to generate a file at /path/to/video-file.pdf containing the final product. ePub and Mobi support will come later.

You can see available commands by running the program without any options

Usage: storyboard [options] videofile [output_directory]
  -v, --[no-]verbose               Run verbosely
      --[no-]scenes                Detect scene changes. This increases the time it takes to generate a file.
  -ct FLOAT                        Scene detection threshold. 0.2 is too low, 0.8 is too high. Play with it!
  -s, --subs FILE                  SRT subtitle file to use. Will skip extracting/downloading one.
      --make x,y,z                 Filetypes to output
                                   (pdf, mobi, epub)
  -h, --help                       Show this message


Storyboard requires a recent version of ffmpeg. This gem includes a build of ffprobe that will only work on OS X 1.8, 64 bit. It's probably best not to use this on any different system for now. It's also best to run it on something with at least 8 cores.

Known Issues

  • If there is a scene change followed by dialog in the next frame or two, the dialog may not be shown.
  • Subtitles are always downloaded, never extracted from video files. Because the subtitles are searched for based on the filename it's best that you have then named in a standard format, e.g., The X-Files - 1x21 - Tooms.avi.
  • Sometimes the wrong subtitle file will be returned from the site. In those cases, download it manually and use the -s option to pass in the path to an SRT formatted subtitle file. This is because the data lies, and there's nothing I can do about it.
  • Some subtitles are encoded in UTF-16, and I haven't care quite enough yet to get them to work. Others use bad UTF8.
  • The subtitles are uuuuuugly.
  • Hardcoding 8 for the number of threads is a bad idea
  • Almost definitely some path-escaping issues, so avoid files with apostrophes and slashes
  • Some subtitles put all the text on one line, so that has to get broken up.


For now, best to email me [email protected]