Class: StoreHours::TextInputParser

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Parser definition for store hours.

A valid input includes one or more entries of durations separated by one or more white spaces.

This parser will only takes lower cases. However,

Each entry has two parts: (1)week day or week days, and (2) one or more time periods when the store is open, or closed for the days the store closes.

Examples of valid entries:

mon: 10:00am - 5:00pm
mon: 8:00am-12:00pm, 1pm-5pm   #time periods can be separated by comma(,) or space
mon: 8:00am-12:00pm 1pm-5pm
mon-fri : 10am-5pm
sat - sun: closed
sun : closed

Examples of invalid entries:

mon  10am - 5pm           # colon(:) after week day(s) is required
mon fri: 10am - 5pm       # dash(-) between two days is required
mon-fri: 10:am - 5pm      # minute component for time is required when the colon(:) is present
mon-fri: 10 am - 5 pm     # no space is allowed between time digits and am/pm
mon : 10am - 17           # standard time format (with am or pm) is required
sat-sun: 10am-1pm closed  # closed can only be used with other time periods